
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

"Up your nose with a.... " *

(*any of my fellow late Boomers/early Gen-Xers able to complete that quote, from a well-known TV show of the 1970s??) 

I had my COVID-19 test (as well as my pre-op bloodwork and an ECG) this morning, at the same hospital where my surgery is scheduled for Friday.  Now I know what it's like to have a miniature mascara wand shoved up (WAY up!) my nose.  :p I won't pretend it was pleasant -- it was actually just a wee bit painful -- but it was over fairly quickly.   

Testing (at this site, anyway) is done by appointment only, and is set up directly inside the doors of a far wing of the hospital, away from the main entrance. It was very busy, but well organized. There was a (socially distanced) lineup outside the doors, but things moved quickly.  I was in & out in about 10-15 minutes. (The entire visit, including the bloodwork & ECG in another wing of the hospital, took about an hour total.) They gave me a clean (disposable) mask to put on (I got another one when I went to the other wing for the bloodwork), had me sanitize my hands, took my temperature, pulse and blood oxygen levels. I must have gone through the COVID screening questionnaire at least half a dozen times at various checkpoints during my visit. All the staff members I saw wore both masks & face shields.  

Total out-of-pocket cost to me: Zero. The testing centre even gave me a pass for free parking. I didn't even have to show my health card;  I'd downloaded the hospital app and pre-entered my card number and other personal information to speed things up.  #thankfultobecanadian

Now on to the REAL challenge: my surgery/procedure on Friday! 

LOL moment of the morning: Before he took my blood samples, the lab guy asked me a few questions -- including whether I was pregnant. (!!!) (Dude, I just told you my BIRTHDATE!!)  I started laughing and said (very firmly!), "NO!"  He said, "Sorry, standard questions we have to ask."  Whatever...! 


  1. Good luck on Friday! I've been reading and thinking about you.

    The COVID test really is hideous. I feel so sorry for anyone who has to be tested regularly for their job.

    1. Thanks, Turia! (And ditto for me re: the COVID test -- once was DEFINITELY enough!)

  2. Rubber hose! The funny part is that while I know the saying, I didn't watch a lot of tv as a kid, so I have zero clue where it's from. Just that kids said it at school.

    Sending lots of good thoughts for the procedure.

    1. You got the "rubber hose" part right! :) Anyone else know the source??

      Thanks for the good thoughts! <3

  3. sending many good wishes for tomorrow's surgery!
    lots of love from sLOVEnia,

  4. Ha! I also don't know the source but I know it's "rubber hose!" Ooof, the brain poker test is the worst. Oh my gosh, I wish they wouldn't ask the pregnancy question. So they ask it of little girls, because it's "policy?" Equally improbable! Irritating that there's no similar question for men. I get asked that question and I DON'T HAVE A UTERUS. Good luck tomorrow, I hope all goes well!

  5. Okay, since nobody has remembered the source yet, the saying came from the TV show "Welcome Back Kotter" -- and it was voiced by the character Vinnie Barbarino -- played by a very young John Travolta in the role that made him a star. :)

  6. I knew it was "rubber hose" too, but had no idea it came from Welcome Back Kotter.

    Ugh to the pregnancy question. I was told once - when I also scoffed at the question - they have to ask it aged between 15 and 65!

    Glad it all went well and wasn't TOO painful.
