
Saturday, December 12, 2020

State of the uterus: All is well (part 2) :)

Well, I got the results of my recent hysteroscopy/d&c via the hospital app this afternoon. And all is well!  It's all written in medical terminology, of course -- but everything said, "benign, benign, negative." YAY. 

Needless to say I am VERY relieved! I saw this notification pop up and I thought, "Oh sure, it's bad news, and I can't call the doctor until Monday!" Seriously -- it's nice to have all this technology and of course we are entitled to our medical information -- but it's not written in any way that you can understand easily without a medical degree, and why would they send this to you BEFORE you've had a chance to discuss it with the doctor and have him/her explain it all to you??  What if the news had NOT been good? Would they still have sent it on the app, or would the dr have called me himself? 

Oh well. Rant over. I do have a phone appointment to discuss the results with the doctor -- on Dec. 23rd, just before Christmas (of course...!). I was told he would not call earlier than that unless the results were not normal.

Anyway, it's a relief not to have this hanging over my head any longer than necessary. Thank you all for putting up with my rambling posts while I've dealt with this. :)  


  1. What a fantastic relief!!
    Now you have the opportunity to breathe deeper and smile a little more often

  2. What a fantastic relief!!
    Now you have the opportunity to breathe deeper and smile a little more often

  3. That's wonderful news. And good timing - you don't have to wait and worry for another 10 days, but can relax now. Yay, indeed!

  4. Terrific news! So glad there is nothing to worry about here. Yay!
