
Monday, August 2, 2021

#MicroblogMondays: Small pleasures & annoying things

 Small pleasures: 

  • Live chatting during the Olympic women's eights rowing event on Thursday night with my New Zealand penpal of nearly 45 (!!) years. And thinking about how we never could have imagined doing this when we started writing to each other as teenagers back in 1977!!  (Our Canadians won gold;  the Kiwis took silver.)  
  • 14 Olympic medals for Canada so far... 13 won by women!! 
  • Spending a leisurely Saturday afternoon with family -- including BIL & SIL, both nephews, their wives, Little Great-Nephew AND the dog! 
    • Getting a big hug from Younger Nephew (whose birthday we were celebrating) for the first time since the pandemic began. Kleenex was required. :)  
  • Clear blue skies, cooler (but still pleasant) temperature and no humidity this morning!  
  • A long weekend Monday (even though every weekend is a long weekend when you're retired...!). 
Annoying things: 
  • People in our building who ignore the posted signs that masks are required in all common areas, including hallways, elevators and the parking garage. 
  • The skunky smell of cannabis wafting over from our neighbour's balcony, through our balcony door (on those rare days this summer when the weather has been nice enough to leave it open) and sometimes even through the cracks of the inside/hallway door to our unit. SO annoying. :p  (We've smelled it at 7:30 in the morning!!  Seriously?!) 
  • Too many hot & humid and/or overcast (but still humid, or drizzly/rainy) days lately. 
  • Too much time spent online and not enough on reading books lately.  
  • A bruise on my left forearm -- and I have NO idea how I got it...! 
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


  1. Yes, I love the way the Olympics make us think of each other all over the world. I've been cheering for Canadian and Slovenian teams, and even (when necessary) Australia when ours have not featured, or are out of the running. And I do think it's wonderful you've been friends since 1977!

    Hot, humid, and dull days are depressing. Not that we get them here. lol But I remember them from Bangkok!

    Ditto on not enough reading books lately.

    Ouch for the bruise - or perhaps not, if you don't remember getting it! Be careful out there. lol

  2. Ugh, those bruises that pop up with no explanation. And 7:30 seems so early for the Mary Jane. Weird. I think it's so cool that you have stayed in touch with your pen pal since you were teenagers! Amazing longevity. And the cooler weather was so nice, sad it's going to be so hot this week...

  3. Way to represent at the Olympics, Canadian women!

    Boo on the bruise.
