
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Blogoversary #14

Fourteen (14)(!!) years ago tonight, in 2007, I hit "post" here for the very first time, and started off down the road less travelled (for me, anyway) of blogging.  

I'm not sure what more I can say about the past 14 years that I haven't said in my previous years of blogoversary posts, lol.  Blogging has been a joy and a release and a comfort, and has brought so much to my life -- never more so than during these past 18 months of global pandemic. 

Perhaps not coincidentally, this is shaping up to be one of my most productive blogging years yet, in terms of published posts! -- with 178 posts so far (179 including this one), I've already surpassed every other year that I've been blogging in terms of total posts for the calendar year, except for the last one (and I'm on track to top that one too)... and by year-end (or perhaps early in 2022), I will reach 2,000 posts (!) published in total over 14+ years.

Whether you're new here or whether you've been here the entire time (and I know a few of you have!), THANK YOU all for being here with me! <3 

*** *** *** 

And now, I'm off (this afternoon) with dh, BIL & SIL to Older Nephew's house, about an hour north of us, to witness Little Great-Nephew (who will be 2 in a few weeks' time) heading out in costume with his proud parents for his very first round of trick-or-treating!  We and the grandparents will stay at the house to hand out the candy (and keep the dog from going crazy, lol). After five years of Halloween being a total non-event, living in a condo, I'm looking forward to being part of the excitement again, even on the periphery! Bittersweet, yes -- but I'm thankful that BIL & SIL, as well as Older Nephew & his wife, are so willing to share and to involve us in Little Great-Nephew's life and milestone events.  :) 

*** *** *** 

Blogging stats, 14 years later:

Number of years blogging: 14

Published posts (including this one): 1,973

Average # of posts per year: 141  

Average # of posts per month: 12 

(So far in calendar year 2021, I've published 178 posts -- 179, including this one -- a minimum of 10 (in June) and as many as 24 in one month (May).)

Published comments: 11,319 

Page views (all time):  1,110,270 (HOLY CRAP!!) 

Followers (on Blogger):  151 

Past blogoversary posts here.

First blog post ever here! :) 


  1. Congrats on this big milestone and all the components of it! I wonder how many 14 is in blog years, lol.

    Enjoy your Halloween tonight handing out treats at Older Nephew's house. Sounds fun! (yet I get the bittersweet bit, too.)

  2. "Blogging has been a joy and a release and a comfort." That's beautifully said, and absolutely reflects what blogging has been to me. Congrats on 14 years!

    Halloween fun. I only know it from the movies! But I hope you enjoyed it.

  3. Happy 14th Blogoversary!! Thank you for writing!! <3

  4. Congratulations on reaching this enormous milestone :-)
