
Monday, May 30, 2022

#MicroblogMondays: Juggling

Last Thursday afternoon, I finally got the phone call I've been waiting for: the office of the surgeon who will be removing my gallbladder, asking if I wanted to go ahead with the surgery. (Yes, please.)  They are currently booking surgeries for June, July and August. The first date she offered me was July 12th.  

I had to tell her I am currently scheduled to have eye surgery on July 25th -- 13 days later -- and what was her opinion on having the two surgeries that close together? Would it be better to wait until after that was done, and if so, how long? She told me that recovery time from this surgery varies, but it generally takes two to four weeks. (That would be cutting it kind of close, I think -- in terms of my own comfort, if not any actual impact on the surgery itself.)  She suggested I talk to the opthamologist and get back to her. Sigh. 

I left a message with the opthamologist's office on Thursday afternoon -- but of course (as I knew, based on past experience), it went to voice mail, where the recorded message says calls will be answered within two business days (!) -- i.e., I probably won't hear from them until today or tomorrow. (They haven't called so far.) Meanwhile, I'm worried the surgeon's schedule will fill up and then I'll have to wait for the NEXT block of surgeries to be scheduled for September, October & November. :(  (I did mention in my message that I would like to hear from them ASAP, so that I can finalize my surgery date.)  :( 

I'm also scheduled to see my family doctor on Tuesday (following up on my recent head injury and emergency visit to the hospital), and I plan to ask for his thoughts on the timing and spacing of these surgeries/procedures. I also want to ask him whether he thinks I need to consult my optometrist or opthamologist (again) before the eye surgery, because of the head injury. So far as I can tell, it hasn't affected my vision at all -- but I did have some initial aches & pains behind my eyes/sinuses, and I have a bit of a black eye (on the side/corner of my left eye and eyelid). 

Nothing is ever simple, is it??    

I have a feeling this is not going to be a great summer, undergoing and recovering from two different surgeries (although I want to get both of them over with ASAP). :(   Also in the mix and stressing me out a bit:  I would really like to spend some time with my parents this summer. We could always go in the fall again, of course (for my sister's 60th birthday in September, or Canadian Thanksgiving in October?), but I haven't been there in the summer since 2019. They have a big yard and garden and need a lot more help these days than they used to. My sister & her partner are out there frequently on weekends (and of course they have their own house and yard to look after), but I feel slightly guilty that it all falls on them. Dh thinks we probably shouldn't travel until after I've had and recovered from all of my surgeries, to minimize the risk of coming down with covid (and then having to postpone...!), and I suppose he's right.  

I said to someone recently that none of my recent medical/health issues -- colonoscopy/polyp removal & biopsy, scarred cornea, gallstones, fall/concussion -- are anything really serious/major (and in most cases there's a solution or something I can do to make things better) -- and thank goodness for that! -- but lately it's just been one thing after another after another. 

It takes a toll.  :(  

*** *** *** 

Update on my fall/concussion: The past few days, I've noticed I'm feeling a lot better than I was. I still feel a dull head ache at times, especially on the left side and especially when I first get up in the morning, and if/when I'm overdoing things a bit. But it's certainly better than it was at this time last week. The gash site/abrasion on my scalp has scabbed over. I'm still being very careful when I wash & comb my hair (and probably will have to be for a while).  My more visible scrapes and bruises (on my left ankle & calf, hip/thigh, elbow and shoulder) are still there and still noticeable, particularly the bruise on/around my left eye, which has turned a rather alarming shade of black & purple. But it's not hugely noticeable, especially at first glance (you might almost think I was wearing dark eye shadow in the crease, lol). 

I feel very, very lucky! 

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


  1. Oh, jeez -- even if they're not all giant life-threatening things, so many health issues at once and one after another is exhausting. And a lot to juggle. I'm so sorry! But glad you are healing from your fall and that you are going to get relief on the gallbladder soon(ish).

  2. You need to look after yourself after a concussion. A friend of mine had one last year (fell off her bike) and it took months. Fortunately face wounds/bruises heal more quickly than elsewhere (as I know from bitter experience) - so hope you're not black and blue for too much longer.
    And good luck for the surgery planning. Do you need a general for your eye surgery? If not, that would make a difference to what you can cope with, I would think.

    1. No anasthesia (I almost wish there was!). They just numb/freeze the eye. I did talk to the opthamologist's office this afternoon and she said as far as they're concerned, I should be OK for eye surgery on July 25th after surgery on the 12th. I'm seeing my family doctor tomorrow -- follow-up visit re: my fall & trip to the hospital -- so I'm going to ask him his opinion before calling the surgeon's office back. I figure it's been two business days already; one day more or less won't make much difference now.

    2. I can relate to wishing there was some anaesthesia for the eye surgery! lol Glad it sounds as if it should work out.
