
Monday, June 20, 2022

#MicroblogMondays: Odds & ends

  • Well, that didn't last long...! Bloglovin' is showing a FEW news posts every day on my phone
    app, but the laptop version has been out for more than a week now, since LAST Saturday night (i.e., June 11th). There have been flickers of activity when it seems to be up briefly -- but then it's gone again. 
    • I've poked around Google, and apparently the company changed ownership in 2018 or 2019. Since then, it's like nobody's running the show over there. (eyeroll)  
    • Feedly will only give you 100 free feeds;  if you want more, you have to pay for more. Trying to figure out which ones I should transfer over (that aren't already there). (My Bloglovin' currently has more than 500 blogs on it (!) -- albeit many of them are inactive and have been for several years.) 
  • Dh had a colonoscopy this morning (and is snoozing on the couch as I type). He had an easier time with the prep yesterday/this morning than I did, albeit he thought it was just as gross tasting! (Happy Father's Day!  lol)  All is well, and he doesn't have to go back for 10 years. (Unlike me, who had three polyps removed during mine in March -- benign, but I will need to return in 5 years.) 
  • I subscribe to The Atlantic and follow Tom Nichols there, including his newsletter, Peacefield.  I started following him on Twitter a while back, and while I don't always agree with him politically, he's exactly the same age as me (well, about a month older, born December 1960) and I appreciate his humour and cultural references from the '70s (lol), as well as his knowledge and expertise on global matters.  His most recent newsletter, which I received the day before Father's Day, was titled "Two Fathers." 
    • "We reminisce on Father’s Day about the men who raised us." he writes. "But this year, I’ve been thinking about two men who were like fathers to me. They never had children of their own, and yet helped shape me as much as my own father did. [my emphasis]  One was my uncle; the other was a teacher." Go read it;  it's lovely.  :)  
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


  1. I got curious about your comments on the limited number of feeds in Feedly, so I seem to have a Pro membership for free. And I hope in writing that I haven't jinxed myself. I need to clean up my feed anyway, because I don't use it very often.

    The Nichols piece is really beautiful. I admit to a tear or two in my eyes right now.
