
Monday, August 29, 2022

Small pleasures & annoying things

Small pleasures: 

  • Not having any appointments or obligations on the agenda for this week, after a very busy schedule last week (other than our usual visit to SIL & Little Great-Nephew -- which is always fun, NOT an obligation!).   
  • Getting an out-of-the-blue call on Saturday afternoon to come over to Younger Nephew's townhouse for coffee & dessert with them and BIL & SIL. 
    • Being able to walk there in under 10 minutes. (It's close, and it was a beautiful day, not too hot and very little humidity.) 
  • Having takeout fish & chips for dinner on Saturday night, for the first time in eons. 
    • Not suffering afterwards, as I might have with my gallbladder still intact. (This was kind of a test case!  lol) 
  • Reading more books this month than last. 
  • Knowing that fall is just around the corner, with (eventual!) relief from the summer heat & humidity we've been experiencing. 

Annoying things: 

  • Spending the entire summer either waiting around for surgeries or recovering from them (and staying at home as much as possible to avoid getting covid, which would then further delay things...!), and not being able to get "home" to see my parents for the third summer in a row (and the fourth time in five years).  :(   
  • Back to school photos on social media, and parents mourning their kids' departures for college. I'm sorry if this is you, but I just can't relate (and of course the REALLY annoying thing is the reason WHY I just can't relate...!). 
  • Seeing the dust build up after not getting the usual housecleaning done last week. :p  
  • The bottom faucet/spout in the master bathroom shower cubicle has been dripping for months now. The grout is starting to get mildewed (I scrub it with a bleach cleaner, but because it's never completely dry, it keeps coming back), and sometimes the drip-drip-drip noise from the drain will wake me up at night. :p  
    • I asked BIL if he knew a plumber who could do a small fix -- and of course he thought he could do it himself -- but he still hasn't come over, and dh (who is not in the least bit handy) is reluctant to ask him again. Sigh. 
    • Apparently the bottom shower faucet/spout is not a "thing" everywhere??  I thought maybe it was a Canadian vs American thing, but I did some Googling, and it's not required in the building code, and I found discussion threads where other Canadians claim they've never seen it either. (See herehere and here.)  I think I'd rather have it than not (even if it does drip!). 
    • (Also apparently some people call this thing a "toe tester." Who knew?? -- But that's exactly what it's most handy for! as well as filling buckets.) 
  • Not being able to think of anything else for a #MicroblogMondays post. ;)  
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


  1. I'm happy to read you enjoyed a meal that you haven't had in a long time WITHOUT feeling poorly afterward. Yay!!! It's the little things in life that mean the most to me, like eating my favorite meal and my body cooperating. :)

  2. Yay for fish and chips! And more reading! I am looking forward to fall too -- I love the weather. I'm over being hot and sticky all the time.

    UGH I hear you on all the back to school posts. It seems like an absolute wave of posts and has made me step away from social media more because it left me feeling worse. I get it to an extent but it is hard when "empty nest" holds a different meaning to you. Sigh. So many moments now in the year where facebook is a minefield.

    Um, I just realized I only have a bottom spout where my shower is in a bathtub. The showers don't have a bottom spout! But I love the idea of having one, so you could easily wash just your feet off without doing sink gymnastics or getting your whole self wet. Huh. I hope you can get it fixed!

  3. How nice to be ten minutes walk away from family. I'm a bit jealous!
    I love autumn. I dislike spring. So I'm a bit jealous about that too! lol
    A toe tester! That makes perfect sense. Hope you can get it fixed soon.
