
Monday, October 31, 2022

MicroblogMondays: Blogoversary #15 (!)

Fifteen (15)(!!) years ago, on Halloween night in 2007 -- 9 years after the stillbirth of our daughter, and 6 years after my last infertility treatment -- I hit "post" here for the very first time, and started my journey down yet another road less travelled: blogging.  

I'm not sure what more I can say about the past 15 years that I haven't said in my previous years of blogoversary postsBlogging has been a joy and a release and a comfort, and has brought so much to my life. 

This year hasn't been quite so prolific in blogging terms as 2021 --163 posts so far (not including this one) versus 178 at this time last year. Still, not too shabby...!  Even if I didn't publish another post this year, it would still be my 5th-most productive blogging year out of the past 15!  Somehow, I still keep finding things to write about... and I am very glad that people keep reading and commenting!  

Whether you're new here or whether you've been here the entire time (and I know a few of you have!) -- THANK YOU!  ❤

*** *** *** 

Blogging stats, 15 years later:  
Number of years blogging: 15

Published posts (including this one): 2,172

Average # of posts per year: 145

Average # of posts per month: 12 

(So far in calendar year 2022, I've published 163 posts -- 164, including this one -- a minimum of 12 posts (in June) and as many as 20 in one month (September).)

Published comments: 11,813 

Page views (all time):  1,262,923 (!!) 

Followers (on Blogger):  151 

Past blogoversary posts here.

First blog post ever here! :) 

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


  1. You’re amazing and I’m so glad you’re still here and still writing. Congratulations!

    1. Awww, thank you, Turia! Always great to hear from you! :)

  2. 15 years - wow! Congratulations!
    How I wish I'd been here to read you then. I was doing other things on the interwebs (lol) around ectopic pregnancies and unrelated blogging, and felt a bit alone. It is amazing to me though that I've been reading you for 12 of those years. It doesn't seem that long. Long may you keep writing!

    1. It doesn't seem that long to me either! Long may you keep writing too! :)

  3. 15 years! That's a lot of writing! Congratulations!

  4. I love these stats. Congratulations! I am so glad you continue writing.

  5. Belated blogoversary congrats! 15 is big accomplishment. Crossed that milestone last year and still marvel that it feels like almost yesterday while also knowing how much has changed -- sort of like straddling two worlds. Grateful for your presence; it has provided healing and fellowship through the years xoxo

    1. You & your blog, along with Mel, were a big inspiration to me, Pamela! Grateful for your presence & friendship over the years too. xoxo

  6. Belated blogoversary congrats! 15 is a big accomplishment. Crossed that milestone last year and still marvel that it feels like almost yesterday while also knowing how much has changed -- sort of like straddling two worlds. Grateful for your presence; it has provided healing and fellowship through the years xoxo

  7. Happy blogoversary to my 2007 twin! I'm glad the ALI blogosphere brought us together. <3
