
Monday, November 7, 2022

#MicroblogMondays: Dh to the rescue! :)

Little Great-Nephew is sick -- again, for the second time within the past month. :(  His mom sent his dad (Older Nephew) a pathetic little video of him this morning, laying on the couch, saying in a croaky little voice, "I not feeling good." :(  :(  :(  (Older Nephew sent it to his parents -- BIL & SIL -- and SIL sent it to us.)  He is running a temperature. :(  

BIL called dh, begging him/us to keep an eye out for children's Tylenol. (He himself actually drove to the next town over to look for some -- when he was supposed to be at work!)  Dh, of course, adopted it as his mission for the day.  ;)  

And of course there is NO children's Tylenol (or Advil, for that matter) to be found anywhere.  :(  When it does come into stock, people buy it all up and hoard it or give it to friends & neighbours who are also looking. Hospitals, emergency rooms, urgent care centres, doctor's office are all swamped with children who are sick with all kinds of viruses right now (covid, RSV, flu...).  And of course, mask mandates continue to be non-existent, and no one is wearing them,  ANYWHERE (including schools). :p  I am furious with our provincial government(s -- because I know this is happening across Canada, not just in Ontario) for not taking action. 

Anyway -- I suggested to dh that he was more likely to find it at a small/hole-in-the-wall/independent pharmacy than at one of the large chain stores. There are two such stores near us. The first one he went to didn't have any, but the pharmacist suggested he try a compounding pharmacy in the area, and gave him directions. Dh drove there -- about 8 km/4 or 5 miles away -- and they made up a small bottle for him with the very last of their supply of ingredients. (I don't know how much children's Tylenol costs these days, but I'm willing to bet he paid close to double the usual cost.). He came back to the condo to pick me up, and we headed up to where Older Nephew & his wife & LGN live, about an hour away. 

LGN's mom laughed when she saw us on her doorstep. "You didn't have to drive all the way up here!"  she said. (That's BIL & dh for you...!) "We'd do anything for LGN," dh told her.  She actually DID have some children's Tylenol (!) -- albeit it would not have lasted her indefinitely. What we brought her will get used. 

"I have fever," LGN announced matter-of-factly when he saw us. (His mom took his temperature again while we were there -- 38.5C, about 101F). But he was playing with his toys and he seemed happy to see us. The dog, of course, was ecstatic. :)  We stayed for about half an hour -- LGN's mom made me a cup of tea and we chatted and I petted the dog while dh played with LGN -- and then headed home again. 

It was a nice afternoon for a drive in the country... we got to see LGN (and the dog!) and reassure ourselves he was (relatively) okay, and do a good deed (albeit a slightly unnecessary one, lol).  You can do stuff like this when you're retired -- and when it's your only little great-nephew, and you're a doting childless great-auntie & great-uncle -- how can you not??  :) 

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.  


  1. Aw, that's such a lovely story! You're right, how could you not do this? You're so lucky you live (relatively) close to LGN and the other nephews. It's so lovely that you never take it for granted!

    Also, I wish I was still cheerful when "I have fever." lol

  2. Awww, poor little buddy! I can hear that little toddler voice in my head. DH to the rescue indeed! That sounds so old-fashioned, a "compounding pharmacy." I'm glad you had one (sort of) nearby so you could be LGN heroes and have a visit! Like something out of a British midwifery show... :)

  3. Oh goodness! If they need more, or need children's ibuprofen, and anyone can get to Buffalo, I have extra. I live right near Peace Bridge.

    1. I think they're good for now! -- but that's so lovely of you to offer! :) (I didn't realize you were so close!)
