
Thursday, November 17, 2022

Oh sure...

Dh got a text this evening from his cousin/godson -- the "groom" at last Saturday night's party

"Someone" -- he doesn't identify who -- who was also at the party just tested positive for covid today -- five days post-party. He/we don't know whether they were already sick when they came to the party, picked it up from someone else AT the party, or picked it up after that. 

And I was JUST thinking that it's been five days and so we're probably in the clear...!  Well, we KNEW we were taking a risk by being there, and not wearing masks. Sigh. I guess time will tell...!  

We're all supposed to be going up to Older Nephew's house tomorrow night to celebrate Little Great-Nephew's birthday. (He's 3 this week!)  Younger Nephew -- whose wife is six months pregnant -- has asked us all to do a covid test first. Fingers crossed...!   

Beyond the party -- I mentioned that SIL had laryngitis and felt like she was coming down with a cold on the night of the party. Sunday night, BIL called:  SIL was feeling like crap. Could we come over the next morning and help out with Little Great-Nephew? Naturally (despite the additional germ exposure), we said yes.  

When we got there, around 8:45 a.m., BIL had taken the day off work. HE was feeling like crap too (albeit not for respiratory/covid-like reasons). SIL was still upstairs in bed. BIL put one of LGN's favourite movies on the TV -- "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" (with Benedict Cumberbatch as the voice of The Grinch) -- and headed back upstairs to bed himself.  (We wound up watching it TWICE -- followed by some cartoons.) 

LGN was as good as gold. (Where was he when I was a teenaged babysitter??)  He seemed tired and a little subdued -- not at all cranky, but he wanted his soother/pacifier, and hauled his blankie around all morning, like Linus in "Peanuts." He seemed to realize something was amiss. A few times he said he wanted to go upstairs and ask Nonna something -- but we told him Nonna was sick and taking a nap and we should let her sleep.  He didn't put up a fuss about it. 

SIL came downstairs late in the morning, wearing a mask, to check on LGN. She told us she'd called LGN's mom and asked her to come get him -- neither she nor BIL were in any shape to have him there that day (even with us there for support). LGN's mom arrived around 12:30, and we left at the same time they did.  

SIL has tested several times over the past few week, all negative to date, and she was feeling better today (albeit still a bit hoarse). Here's hoping that continues...! 

For what it's worth, my throat DID feel a bit sore/dry on Sunday/Monday, and I was very tired -- but I chalked that up to being at the party (it was very dry in the party room, and I'm not used to being out with lots of people these days!) as well as a lousy night's sleep. I've been feeling much better these past few days. 

Dh says he's feeling fine. Here's hoping that continues...!  


  1. Crossing my fingers for you both that you're in the clear! Crazy to think that by now we can't go to a gathering maskless without thinking twice. But I guess that's still what it is.

  2. Yikes, it feels like everything is a minefield of illness. I'm glad so far so good for you!
