
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Hello, out there...

Melissa at Stirrup Queens has reminded us that it's International Blog Delurking Week. :)  Says Mel: 

"The first full week of January (January 1-7, 2023) is when we’re supposed to slither out of the reading closet and check in with an “I’m here” comment. I’m not sure if anyone does this anymore. Back in the olden days, people would pop up out of the woodwork. Nowadays, not so much.

"So let’s see what happens."

I've taken part in Delurking Week, on & off over the 15 (!) years I've been blogging (related posts now tagged here), and it's always fun to see old friends, occasional commenters and previously silent lurkers come out of the woodwork to say hello. 

So -- come out, come out, wherever you are -- say hello (at least) and, if you like, tell me/us something about yourself. As always, I'm curious -- how did you find me, & how long have you been reading (if you remember)? 


  1. You can't get rid of me! lol Been reading you since late 2010 - so over 12 years now! Though I'm sure you'll have older (in the blogging sense) friends pop up. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. lol

    I'm also not sure there's anything new I could tell about myself, so I'll give you an update. Right now, it's warm and humid (90% humidity) here in Wellington, I've just taken down the Christmas tree whilst listening to an audiobook (and then sat and listened a bit longer), we went shopping today and bought a new frypan, and I had sushi for lunch. A perfect early January day!

  2. Hello from Germany, dear Lori - here‘s your fellow Lucy Maud Montgomery fan! I found your blog in 2014, a few weeks after we stopped infertility treatments after six years. I was having a hard time of letting go then and of imagining my life without children! It has been so good and helpful to read about your experience! Now almost eight years later I have come to terms with our situation (most of the time) and enjoy being one of the best aunts in the world ;) Apart from being a wonderful role model you have also introduced me to many good books, to the LMM Readathon and - just this week! - to the StoryGraph App. Thank you so much for blogging - I‘m always looking forward to your new posts. Many greetings from Germany, Annette

  3. Here from, and I no longer remember how or exactly when I started reading, but I know you have left some nice comments on my blog every now and then. And I also have loved Lucy Maud Montgomery since forever. Yay for reading and writing as therapy, connection, sometimes even transcendence.

  4. Hi from Spain! I've been reading your blog for about... twelve/thirteen years? (It's crazy when you think of it, isn't it.) I usually delurk once a year to say hi. Of all the blogs I used to follow when I was TTC yours is the only one I still read religiously. Most of them are no longer active anyway, which makes you unique. Here's to another decade!

    1. Spain! Wow! -- welcome back! :) (And yes, it's crazy to think how long this blog has been around now...!)

      I think Pamela at Silent Sorority is the only childless blogger who was around when I started and is still writing today (albeit she started a new blog since then!).

  5. Hello, hello, hello. I'm reading. But you already knew that :-)

    1. Mel, you are probably the chief reason I'm here (still!)! :) So glad you're still reading and blogging too! :)

  6. Still here. Still reading.

    In myh life I'm battling with decision do I even want to try for second kid, is it an obligation to transfer frozen embryos (I'm leaning towards yes, but my existing kid is more important), how to accept if I decide to try and it doesn't work out, how to go trough pregnancy and childbirth after traumatic first time experience if I try and it does work out.

    There is a wisdom I can gain from your road in life. Especially if mine diverged at some point. (Each road is special, but there are common patterns and themes). Thanks for sharing it.
