
Monday, January 30, 2023

#MicroblogMondays: Portrait of an auntie :)

Even though Little Great-Nephew (LGN) hasn't been coming to stay with his Grandma (SIL) every day lately (since his mom went on disability last month, because of carpal tunnel syndrome), we've still managed to see him almost as many times this month as we normally would have. 

Most recently:  BIL & SIL (his grandparents -- who, of course, saw him every day and REALLY miss him!) called us on Wednesday -- they thought they might drive up to Older Nephew's house to visit on Friday and asked if we wanted to come. Of course we did! -- so we quickly altered our planned agenda (which was going to be laundry on Thursday & housecleaning on Friday) and did the laundry on Wednesday. 

We were just finishing up housecleaning on Thursday around lunchtime when BIL called again.  Older Nephew's Wife/LGN's mom had friends coming over on Friday -- but did we want to go with them later this afternoon instead? 

That's how we wound up at Older Nephew's house late Thursday afternoon -- arriving not long before he got home from work. LGN -- and the dog! (I miss him too!!) -- were ecstatic to see us all.  :)  Dh & BIL went to get takeout fish & chips for dinner, Older Nephew's Wife poured wine for herself, SIL & me, and took freshly baked banana cake with chocolate chips out of the oven for dessert. (She's a great cook!)  

At one point, LGN sat at the table with his art supplies and started drawing pictures. I was amused when he declared the picture he was working on was of... me. "Don't forget to draw Aunt Loribeth's glasses," his grandma reminded him. He did!  I asked him if the two lines coming out of the bottom of my head were legs and/or feet. "Socks!"  he corrected me.  :)  See below. :)  

I took the picture home and put it up on the refrigerator (as I used to do with the pictures LGN's dad & uncle drew for me, years ago), using magnets that ONW & LGN had made for us as a Valentine's Day present.  :)  

A good time was had by all. :)  

(I just realized my last 3 #MM posts, including this one, have all been about LGN....!  What can I say? -- I'm a proud great-auntie!  :)  ) 

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.  

Great-Aunt Loribeth -- with glasses. And socks!  (lol) 
By Little Great-Nephew, age 3.
(He & his mom made the heart magnets as a Valentine's Day present.) 
(This may wind up as my social media profile photo, lol.)


  1. "Socks!" That's funny! You're so lucky to be able to have this relationship with LGN (and the nephews in that earlier generation).

  2. Awww, what a fun surprise day! And I love tiny human potato head drawings. That's a whole developmental stage! Glad you had a lovely Auntie Day and saw the dog, too. :)

  3. He's so good at art and so well behaved! He's barely older than the twins (they're 3 in June) and I have not been able to trust them with anything that makes marks yet. The few forays we've had into drawing have ended in tie dye toddlers, crayons as snacks, and very angry multicolored cats.

    1. His mom is a very talented artist with a fine arts degree, and she's been drawing & doing crafts with him since he was in his highchair! I couldn't believe how well he could hold a pencil when he was barely 2!

  4. I love it!! Thank you for sharing your portrait. :)

  5. Spittin image! And I am enjoying your LGN posts :-)
