
Monday, February 20, 2023

#MicroblogMondays: Family Day 2023

Today is "Family Day" in Ontario and a couple of other Canadian provinces -- a made-up holiday that yes, to its credit, does give us a holiday/long weekend in the middle of that long stretch between Christmastime and Easter -- but does so while rubbing pronatalism and "family values" in the faces of those of us who have failed to measure up to the traditional family ideal of husband, wife, 2.1 kids (preferably at least one boy & one girl) and possibly a dog. (See my previous thoughts & rants on Family Day here.)  

My inbox  today is full of promotional emails from various retailers with subject lines such as "We Are Family!" (I'm afraid you're not, Reitmans...), and "From Our Family to Yours, Additional 20% Off" (thanks but no thanks, Northern Reflections). It's not at the level of Christmas or Halloween (yet?), but it's certainly a much greater level of hype than even just a few years ago. Ugh. Thankfully, most of the news coverage I've seen to date has been focused on basic promotion of local family-related activities and events and reminders of what's open/closed. I haven't dared take more than a peep at social media (probably a wise choice...!)

My normal inclination on Family Day would be to hide out at home.  Even before pregnancy loss & infertility, and well before covid, dh & I never enjoyed being out in holiday crowds. But Older Nephew called dh personally a few days ago and asked if we'd like to come up there this morning with his parents (BIL & SIL) for breakfast at a local restaurant -- their treat, as a thank you for all that we do for them and especially Little Great-Nephew.  Dh immediately said yes.

I was tickled to be asked (and that they wanted to pay -- awwww, they're growing up!! lol) -- but -- well, you know. :p  We've only ventured out to dine in a restaurant once since the advent of covid three years ago (early last December, as related here) -- and days later, one of the people we'd been with (Older Nephew's MIL) came down with covid.  This has happened almost EVERY TIME we've pushed our comfort level to do something we know is risky. So far, we've dodged the covid bullet, but sooner or later, we know our luck is bound to run out. I'd just prefer it was later -- much later -- especially with a new variant with the ominous nickname of "Kraken" on the rise...

(And no, outdoor dining is NOT an option hereabouts right now -- this morning's weather where Older Nephew lives was just 1C/34F, and the wind was bitterly cold....!) 

Anyway, things went about as well as they could, and overall, I'm glad we went. :)  We set the alarm clock and got up at 6, eft at 8, picked up BIL & SIL and got there around 9 (!) -- early, but hey, we got to spend time with LGN (AND the dog, at the house!).  And there was NO traffic on the way up there! The restaurant was packed (and there was a big chalkboard sign in the foyer to greet us saying "Happy Family Day!" complete with stick figure drawings) -- but we were seated in the back, where the tables were pretty well spaced (at least a couple of feet apart), and the ones closest to us were empty for part of the time we were there, which made me feel better. Dh & I wore our masks until we got our food and put them back on when we were finished eating. (We were the only ones masked there.)  The food was good (and hot), and the service was pretty good too. 

Younger Nephew & his wife were also invited but said no -- not surprisingly, given that they have been ultra covid-cautious all along, AND their baby is due any day now.  

As you can imagine, I get very nervous when women go too far past their due dates :(  (nevermind when it's someone I love) -- so please keep them in your thoughts & prayers this week.  

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.  


  1. I'm glad it went so well, and that you are such an integral part of their family. Fingers crossed for no positive tests for any of those in your party. Thinking of Younger Nephew and his wife and baby, and looking forward to hearing positive news soon.

  2. I'm glad you had a good time! I'm glad you got to reinvent and expand the meaning of Family Day so it's not so exclusive.
