
Friday, October 31, 2008


One year ago tonight, I took my first tentative steps into the blogosphere -- encouraged by the Stirrup Queen herself. I was intrigued by the whole idea of blogging, & had been lurking on a handful of infertility & loss blogs for more than a year. I was also looking for an outlet to record some of my memories & explore my feelings as I approached the 10-year "anniversary" of my daughter's stillbirth -- but I was a little afraid of putting myself "out there" -- just as I had been the very first time I had posted on an Internet bulletin board. (And I was dying to add my $.02 to Mel's online book club!)

So here I am, one year and 179 posts later, and very glad that I did. Blogging has been the release & record I sought -- and more. It has been a blessing in my life. I did not know who, if anyone, would care to read my blog, and I didn't start out with the intention of writing for an audience. The blog is, first and foremost, for me. But it's been gratifying to read your comments, to feel your support, to know you're out there struggling with the same issues and feelings too -- that you understand. I even managed to reconnect with a longtime online friend I hadn't been in touch with in some time.

I'm especially grateful to those of you who are also living childless/free/(whatever term you prefer) after infertility & loss in a world seemingly gone mad for pregnant women & babies -- Pamela Jeanne, Irish Girl, Alacrity, Dianne, Me and others. I knew you had to be out there, & there is definitely strength and comfort in numbers, even if none of us ever thought we'd wind up here, or came to this life travelling exactly the same road.

Thank you!!


  1. Happy blogoversary, Loribeth!

  2. Happy Blogoversary! I love reading your blog. You have such a talent for writing and I really enjoy your blog posts. I also really enjoy the article links you post. Thanks for all you do to keep us informed!

  3. Congrats on your blogoversary, Loribeth!

  4. Happy Blogoversary! As you were a very important "gateway" for me to arrive here in blogland, I am so glad you did take the step.

    And thank you for sharing your journey & your thoughts ... you make the world a richer place.

  5. Hey Loribeth - happy blogoversary, and thank you for helping me to know that I am not alone!

  6. happy blogoversary, loribeth!

    if you believe signs, the word verification right now is "parties"!

  7. Happy Blogoversary Loribeth!!

    I'm so, so glad you're here.

  8. Like you I couldn't ask for a kinder, more lovely set of friends. Happy blogoversary, Loribeth. Will raise a glass to you tonight!

  9. Happy Blogoversary!!

    Thank you for sharing with us.

  10. I'm so glad you wrote.
    And as I always say, Thank G-d for the Internet!

  11. Happy blogoversary! And I know that I have been blessed by your presence. May it continue for many a year!

  12. Happity Happity Blog-o-versary Dear Friend!!

    Looking forward to another year!

  13. Happy Blogoversary! So glad to have "met" you.

  14. Your blog is so awesome. We are truly fortunate to have you share so much of yourself with us.

  15. Happy blogoversary! I'm so glad you started this space.

  16. Congrats on this wonderful milestone! I hope there will be many more!

  17. I'm so glad you are here in the blogosphere! Happy blogoversary!

  18. Hello. I found your blog via Tash's. I've enjoyed reading it. Thanks, Alice

  19. Happy blogoversary, Loribeth. I'm so glad your voice is here.

  20. Happy blogoversary, happy blogoversary, happy blogoversary, HAAAAAAAPPY blogoversary!

    Probably would have sounded more like the song in real life.

    I'm so glad I get to hear your voice, Loribeth.

  21. Happy Blogoversary, Loribeth. I'm glad you found this outlet. I am grateful for it, in fact.

    PS I love Wayward Son, too. Always have.

  22. And we are glad you are here too sweetie!

  23. I am very late chiming in, but I wanted to congratulate you on your blogoversary! I am so glad that you started your blog - you are giving voice to so many of us that are inhabiting this no-man's land of living childfree/childless after infertility.
