
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A horror movie (in more ways than one...)

Has anybody else seen the trailer for this upcoming horror (in more ways than one) movie (which is currently being played ad nauseum on the Comedy Network my husband constantly watches)?? (And why do they show so many horror movie ads on the COMEDY channel anyway??)

(I'm not going to link to the trailer here, although it's easily found via Google.)

Is anybody else as utterly repulsed as I am?

Cripes, no wonder people find the whole topic of pregnancy loss so scary, with GARBAGE like this stirring the pot. :(

My beautiful stillborn daughter deserves better than this.


  1. I don't even have to click over to know what movie, as I have seen the trailer enough to make me want to vomit. Horrible, horrible

  2. Yes, I have seen it. And I am so sorry it upset you so much. the world is so full of cruel nonsense. Put it out of your mind.

  3. Ugh. I'm repulsed beyond there no such thing as decency any more?

  4. Heh, just the other night I referred to it (out loud) as "Infertility gone to Hell."

    I'm sure we could all come up with a load of snarky titles and plot lines, no?

  5. OMG. I've seen this trailer several times lately -- once late at night, when the house was dark, the TV was on mute, and I was trying to get the girls to sleep. It was really disturbing. I hate horror movies and this one is especially upsetting.

  6. I can't bring myself to click on the link but I think I know what you are talking about. I have seen it too and I was immediately offended and repulsed that someone would make light (in their sick way)of dead babies. Katie and Hannah, as well as everyone else's babies, do deserve better.

  7. I had a pretty good idea which movie you were talking about too.

    I hate this too.

  8. Yeah, everything is so loaded for us now, I hate it, fuck I even find some McDonald's commercials offensive now (well, I always did on principal but now it's different).

  9. Thank goodness for Mel's BlogHer post on this. I really was wondering if it was just me, given that I'm smack in the middle of first "anniversaries" and that maybe it was making me overly sensitive.

    Every time that ad comes on, I feel sick to my stomach.
