
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blogoversary #2!

Two years ago last night, I took the plunge. I'd been setting things up for a day or so, but after the trick-or-treaters had gone home and we closed the front door and turned off the lights, I came upstairs to the computer & hit "publish" on my very first blog post.

I intended to do the same last night -- but after the last kids had left our doorstep & we closed up shop for the night, I got watching "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" on TV for the umpteenth time -- & after a half-hour of that, following a full day of cleaning, laundry & getting ready for the big night ahead, I was exhausted, so I crawled into bed around 10.

(I've only ever seen the entire movie all the way through once or twice -- including once at a decrepid old theatre on Main Street in downtown Winnipeg in about 1982, where we squirted water pistols & hurled toast & toilet paper & yelled at the screen (and Winnipeggers will know what I mean when I talk about Main Street -- I kept my feet off the floor through almost the entire movie because I was afraid a rat would run over it). But whenever it's on -- which is usually on or around Halloween -- I simply have to watch it, at least up to "Time Warp" (which was always played at our university residence socials) followed by Tim Curry strutting his stuff through "Sweet Transvestite," & I'm good for another year.)

("Phantom of the Paradise" was on at 11, but I couldn't stay awake for that. It was a huge, HUGE hit when I was in junior high in the mid-1970s -- I can still sing along to the soundtrack. I did not realize until many years later that it was actually a flop everywhere in the world except, oddly, for Winnipeg/Manitoba. Go figure. Anyone else ever see it? )

Anyway -- including that very first post and this one, it's now 330 posts later. (165 posts a year, about 14 a month or one every other day on average. Not bad.) When I wrote that very first post, I stated two intentions: (1) to add my voice to the few I could find, articulating the view of women (& men) who remain childless/free after infertility, & (2) to participate in Mel's next book tour. Although I didn't articulate it at the time, I was also looking for an outlet as I approached the 10-year "anniversary" of my daughter's stillbirth.

I've written about all these things and more -- some IF/loss related, some not. And I've loved every minute of it. I don't always get to write (or to read or comment on your blogs) as often as I like -- "real life" has this nasty habit of intruding, lol -- but, as I said last year, on the occasion of Blogoversary #1:
Blogging has been the release & record I sought -- and more. It has been a blessing in my life. I did not know who, if anyone, would care to read my blog, and I didn't start out with the intention of writing for an audience. The blog is, first and foremost, for me. But it's been gratifying to read your comments, to feel your support, to know you're out there struggling with the same issues and feelings too -- that you understand.
Thanks again for reading/listening & commenting!


  1. Happy Blogoversary!

    I can't say I have ever heard of "Phantom of the Paradise". :0) Sounds like another one of those movies I always claim is funnier after midnight (right up there with Monty Python's Holy Grail, Better off Dead and of course, Rocky Horror). I don't know, something about the late hour just makes it sillier I suppose!

    Time warp is my favorite and of course Meatloaf. I haven't seen it in ages . . . dh isn't into that sort of thing so much and flying hot dogs and squirt bottles are just not along his movie preferences. (Nor overly dramatic tranvestites in fishnets)

    Ah well. :0) Nice to remember along with someone else.

    Here's to many more bloggy years and fabulous posts!


  2. Happy Blogoversary! Just found you recently. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us.

  3. happy blogo, loribeth! so glad your voice is out there in the wilderness.

  4. Happy blogoverary! To many more years of happy reflecting and writing and recording and sharing. thank you for doing it.


  5. Happy Blogoversary!!!

    Wow..."Rocky Horror" brings back LOTS of high school memories...

  6. Happy blog anniversary! I'm glad to have found you.

    I never saw "Rocky Horror" - beyond a few clips haven't seen it yet. Part of the culture i missed.

    My brain isn't functioning. It wants to say something profound & astute & considerate, but i haven't enough neurons firing.

    Have a lovely day. :)

  7. Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for putting your voice out here.

  8. I love your blog, and hope you keep posting for a long time to come. I love all the topics you address and I love that you often link to loss, grief, infertility or what have you articles. Many I would not have gotten to read if not for you.

    I also think you are an important voice, because so many things written about stillbirth or loss really become about having more children or having the so called happy ending everyone wants. I'm glad you give voice to those of us whose reproductive lives don't end the way we planned.

  9. Happy Blogoversary! I love reading your blog - you always find the most interesting articles and books.

    Last Halloween was the first time I saw RHPS as a live production and it was WONDERFUL. In a very cheesy, over-the-top sort of way.

    Doing the Time Warp in the aisle will always be a great memory.

  10. Happy Blogoversary! So glad you are adding to the chorus. :)

  11. While we've never met in person, you're a dear friend. I look forward to following your thoughts into your third year of blogging...

  12. Happy Blogoversary! So glad you started this blog and have kept it up two years.

    BTW, on NPR (U.S. public radio) this morning, they did a feature on "Battle of the Blades." I immediately thought of you. Sounds like a fun show - wonder if they'll do a similar one on US TV.

  13. I am super late, but I still wanted to tell you happy blogoversary, sweetie.

  14. When I found the blogs last year, yours was like a beacon for me, even though you were recounting Katie story ten years later. I am glad to have been able to be your reader and to be there for you :)
