
Monday, November 21, 2011

Odds & ends

  • I now have 100 followers!! : ) I have to admit, I've never "followed" anyone myself (insert red-faced icon here) -- I read/follow my regular blogs through my Google Reader (where I have 224 (!!) subscribers)(is there some advantage to being a Blogger follower vs Google Reader subscriber?) -- but I really do appreciate my regular readers & commenters, through whatever medium. : )

  • Thanks to all of you who sympathized with my vent about Katie's due date and the anticipation of listening to baby shower talk from the weekend. As almost always happens, the anticipation was worse than the reality... the shower talk was not too horribly excessive (we're too busy at work these days to spend a lot of time standing around chit-chatting), & when it was, I found that rolling my eyes behind the sheltering walls of my cubicle while others talked was a great tension reliever. ; )

  • New definition of heartbreak: watching your husband as he wistfully looks on while his cousin's husband dances with their 10-year-old daughter at a recent banquet.

  • I got busy yesterday afternoon & didn't watch the Santa Claus Parade this year. Probably just as well, given my history with the parade in recent years. We had the radio on CBC news at noon, & a mere description of the massive crowds lining the route had the tears welling up in my eyes. (Then Stuart McLean finished me off with a story on the Vinyl Cafe, about Dave and the Big Narrows Centennial Baby, which ended with an an ode to community historians & memorykeepers -- something near & dear to my heart. I'd heard the story before, & I don't recall if I cried then too, but I was obviously in the mood.)

  • But for some reason, I was able to hit the mall later & shop for PNGD with gleeful abandon. The Children's Place, Baby Gap, Gymboree -- I hit them all (even just a few years ago, I would have avoided them like the plague) & had a blast. I even stopped off to watch the kids with Santa, and didn't even flinch. (Of course, tomorrow I could be a mess doing the same thing... but I'll take my small victories as they come...!)

  • I Lost a World stumbled onto a brilliant video this week, which she shares on her blog -- about Christmas cards, infertility, and how we define families. The kicker is that she realized it was done by someone she knew. I know this is an issue that many of us face at this time of year. Go have a look.


  1. I'm off to look at the video next. But first, congrats on the 100 followers!
    And I'm glad the days/week passed more peacefully than you expected. I understand too well your definition of heartbreak. But I also understand your joy in shopping for PNGD. I'm constantly buying things for my 3 year old niece - I'm such a sucker for sales and little girl clothes.

  2. I watched the video. It is moving, and I wish everyone - not just those without kids - could watch it.

  3. Hi there. I haven't commented in a long time, but I'm still here. I'm glad the shower wasn't too bad for you. I have to actually throw one next year so that should be fun.

    Great PSA video. I send out Christmas cards every year with a letter summarizing the year. This year I've decided to write about my cats as my kids. I actually sent out "we've moved" cards with caricatures of hubby, myself and the 3 cats.

    Oh and now when people ask me if I have kids I do say "No I'm infertile". I've stopped hiding my infertility and it's very freeing.

  4. Congrats on hitting 100 followers! That's big time in my book :)

    Thank you so much for linking to that video. I thought it was really interesting to hear the academic take on infertility, and surprisingly moving. I posted it on Twitter.

  5. I'll have to look at the video later when I have a chance. Congrats on 100 followers :) I'm glad you were able to hit the stores, and hope it doesn't hit you too hard after (*hugs*)

  6. Your third dot point really broke my heart.

  7. That third dot really got to me, too. Congrats on the much-deserved following!

    And thanks for mentioning that video. I'm glad it's getting some more viewers, especially at this time of year when we're all thinking of what to do with our holiday cards.

  8. Congrats on 100 followers! Loved watching the video from the other blog. Thank You for sharing it with everyone!
