
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pre-holiday odds & ends

  • Thanks for weighing in on my recent post about our support group's candlelighting. It's tomorrow night, & we won't be going. The closer we get to the day, the more OK I am with that. (For one thing, it's been a busy week -- I'm exhausted, lol. The last thing I want to do when I get home at night is go out again.)

  • Further to my recent post about closure, I ordered Nancy Berns's book, Closure, from Chapters online, & got it about three days later. Looking forward to delving into it over the holidays!

  • I went to the Toronto Eaton Centre on my lunch hour yesterday (yes, I'm probably nuts, but it was Monday, and really not too horrible). Walking through the upper level, I could hear a beautiful, soaring soprano voice, singing an ancient Christmas carol -- I recognized the melody from church. She was not only singing but playing the harp, sitting in a corner beside the glittering Swarovski Christmas tree. I paused for awhile to watch her & to drink in the beauty of sight & the sound. And felt the lump rise in my throat. It was a wonderful, soul-calming antidote to all the hustle & bustle of the mall and stress of the office.

  • Normally, I would come to the Eaton Centre to watch Santa with the kids as a pick-me-up. Alas, Santa is not in residence this year at one of the city's (& Canada's) biggest & most famous malls. You can Skype with Santa (!!) or buy tickets to a storytime session with him... but if you want to do the traditional thing and line up to have your picture taken with him, you'll have to go elsewhere. Bah humbug. :p

  • I actually braved the Eaton Centre at lunchtime because I was out of Burnt Sugar fudge from Indigo & had to restock my desk drawer stash. I just recently discovered this delectable treat -- both the Original Crumbly Fudge & Sea Salt Caramel flavours, both "Heather's Gift Picks." O.M.G. I am addicted.

  • My young, idealistic, single & childless coworker/cubicle neighbour was on the phone with her pregnant best friend last week. She was bubbling over with questions and enthusiasm. "Can you feel the baby kicking? What does it feel like? That must be SO COOL!! I can't wait to meet him!" What does it feel like to be so young & full of energy & exuberant, innocent enthusiasm about pregnancy? I wondered. And then wondered how I got so old & cynical. (And then thought about just how indeed that happened.)


  1. It's hard to fathom how our roles change in our lives. I still somehow expect to be one of the 'younger' fresh, new, enthusiastic faces at work ... but at 39, and with some years of experience, that is not the case anymore. I am not yet the 'wise woman' - or I don't see myself that way - and I am always surprised when people tell me that they have taken some conversation and used it to find something that worked for them.

    I will have to try out that Heather's pick treat - it sounds delish!

  2. I wonder that last point with my guitar teacher. Sometimes I want to tell him that life is going to kick that optimism out of him at some point :-)

    On the other hand, it's sort of refreshing to be around in small bursts. It reminds me of another time.

    Burnt sugar fudge sounds so good. Need to go google this and see if I can engineer this at home.

  3. I'm really glad you're ok with your decision not to go to the candlelighting. Your life sounds busy - but I did love the sound of the harpist/singer ... I swear I could hear her.

    Old and cynical maybe - but wise and compassionate too. Hugs.

  4. Oh to have that innocence and surety back.
    Love to you this Christmas and remembering Katie always.

  5. hey! i work right next to the eaton's centre too...may have to brave it to investigate this burnt sugar fudge...salt caramel? yummy!
