
Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Anybody who denies this culture is seriously pregnancy & baby crazed needs to read this:


  1. Argh!

    Not to mention, Sandra Bullock's comment that since she's been a mom, she feels everything so much more now, it was as if she was dead before. Nice, Sandra.

  2. And here I thought reborn babies were weird...this however takes the cake...

  3. That is wild and ridiculous and embarrassing. The one thing I find remotely interesting in that article is the fact that these are big sellers in China... I hesitate to make general statements about a culture I don't really know very much about, but I think it is fair to say from what I've read and learned from my brother (who lives in Korea) that many Asian cultures are still invested in bloodlines and family history in a way that Western cultures typically are not. Part of the reason why international adoption is still a necessity in Asian countries (which would almost always prefer not to outsource placement of their children to adoptive families in other countries) is because there is still a bit of a social stigma attached to adoption, due to the traditional emphasis on family lines. It's my understanding that sometimes women will fake a pregnancy before an adoption so that their child will be more fully accepted. OF COURSE I am not suggesting this is true for every Chinese family/person, but it certainly gives a different perspective to the fact that there might be a market for fake baby bumps.

    Aside from that, I'd be perfectly happy if I never heard another world about Beyonce's baby bump...

  4. Can't believe anyone would actually buy and wear one, but our society is currently obsessed with baby bumps so who knows...Was wondering where Beyonce got hers....Just joking!

  5. Sometimes I don't really understand humans. Baby bumps as a fashion statement (a place to rest your hands?) nor using pregnancy to get... what? A parking spot?

  6. Tori Spelling made that very statement on her show, "Baby Bump is the new black." I do not watch reality tv, but I actually googled that comment and got 13,000 hits... What is WRONG with these narcissitic fools. I'm sorry, but for some women (not most I hope) "motherhood seems the new narcissism"... "look at me, look at me... I got myself a bump"...

  7. I think I have a bit of vomit in my mouth now.
