
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Five years : )

Five years.

It's not just Halloween tonight -- it's also five years since I published my very first blog post. There is something about these "anniversaries" that are divisible by 5, isn't there??

If you had asked me then if I thought my blog would last five years, I wouldn't have known what to tell you. I've been a member of several online communities for longer than five years (some ALI-related, some not;  I've known some of my online friends for 10 years or more, although our relationships have generally spanned more than one online forum -- some began on e-mail lists &/or message boards and now flourish on Facebook, for example). Longevity & attachment are certainly in my nature, even in the fast-changing world of the Internet. ; )

I had stumbled onto a few infertility blogs about a year earlier -- including, of course, Stirrup Queens, where I made a few tentative, anonymous comments at the Lushary and wished I could jump into the book club discussions.  I was intrigued by the give & take of the comments, of the ability to flex my writer's muscles & write mini-essays on the topics of my choice.

I knew there were other childless/free-not-by-first-choice women out there, like me -- I wanted to find more of them, and I wanted more of them to know they weren't alone -- that while it's certainly hard not being a mother in a world gone mad for baby bumps, it doesn't have to be the end of the world either.

But I honestly wasn't quite sure what I was getting myself into.

And now, here I am, five years (660 published posts, including this one; more than 5,200 published comments and almost 123,000 page views)(page views since May 2008) later, still blogging, still managing to find things to write about. That's an average of 11 posts per month. I have 127 "followers" & almost 270 subscribers through Google Reader. Wow!

There was a brief, temporary interruption in my writing earlier this year, when I was inadvertently "outed" by a relative who stumbled on my blog & published a link to it on Facebook, of all places (!). As I said at the time:
(If this past week has taught me anything -- besides reinforcing that nothing is private online -- it's how much I enjoy blogging and what a release it can be to write out my feelings & connect to others in similar situations in this way. And how much I miss my blog and the interaction it affords, when it's not there.)
Not being able to blog, albeit briefly, also made me realize this:
I've always said that I blog first & foremost for myself, but hey, let's face it -- if I really just wanted to write for myself, I would have written in a paper journal & hid it in one of my drawers or under my mattress, like I did when I was a teenager.
One of the nicest things about blogging is the company.  I've "met" some wonderful women (and men) through the ALI blogging community, and I've fulfilled my goal of finding other childless/free bloggers. We're definitely not alone these days:  there are more and more of us coming out of the woodwork all the time.

Whether I'm still blogging in another five years, I'm glad that I hit "publish" on that first post five years ago tonight. And I'm grateful to all of you for being here. : )

Blogoversary #4 (2011)
Blogoversary #3 (2010)
Blogoversary #2 (2009)
Blogoversary #1 (2008)
First post


  1. Congrats on your 5th Blogoversary! The ALI community is something that is unparalleled in my view. I can only hope that we all find what we need in it, and that we can all continue to share with others who are in need. Blessings and hugs to you and yours.

  2. dear Loribeth,
    congratulations on your 5th Blogoversary!!!

  3. Yours is one of the most articulate, interesting, enjoyable blogs in the ALI universe. A big thank you to you, and congratulations!

  4. Proud to be one of those followers and to have been here through all 5 years - honoured to be invited into your mind. Congratulations on the milestone :-)

  5. Congratulations Loribeth! Five years is a real achievement, and whilst I only found you in the last couple of years, I am very pleased I did.

  6. Happy Blogoversary friend! I always look forward to each and every post.

  7. Congratulations on 5 years!
    And a big thank you for putting yourself out here, sharing your feelings and your pain. Thank you for putting it in the perspective it deserves. I come from a family/country where 'don't complain' is the norm. I'm not sure that without you I would have realised how truly BIG the decision is to stop treatment, that that is just as big as my decision for de-ivf.
    I'm now pregnant with a baby only just bigger than your Katie, and I think of you and her often, especially now.
    I'm not sure this small box is big enough to convey how thankful I am, but I hope you caught a glimpse of it.
    Thanks again,

  8. Happy 5th! The blogosphere is privileged to have you in our midst. Many of the most moving posts I've read have come from you. Thank you for being here and telling your story so well.

  9. five years is something! thanks for stopping by; i'd have emailed you back but i couldn't find an email address.

  10. Congrats on your blogging anniversary!! Quite an achievement. That's a long time! Very glad I found your blog :)

  11. Congrats on your 5th Anniversary. Can't imagine the cyber world or living childlessly without your friendship.
