
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

An early Christmas present :)

Good news today for bereaved parents living in Ontario, past, present & future. :)  Bill 141 -- the Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness, Research and Care Act, which I blogged about a few weeks ago -- was passed by the Ontario legislature, with widespread support from all parties across the legislature. The bill will establish October 15th as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day in Ontario. More importantly, it will require the Ministry of Health to allocate resources to conduct much-needed research and expand programs to support the many, many families affected by pregnancy loss and infant death. 

Perhaps even more importantly, as the first known healthcare legislation of its kind in North America, the bill helps to break the silence that surrounds pregnancy and infant loss issues, and sets a long-overdue precedent and an example for other Canadian provinces, American states and other countries to follow.

Here's a press release about the passage of the bill.  Media coverage has been shamefully minuscule, with the notable exception of Ashley Csanady of the National Post, who has written a couple of excellent articles following the bill's progress, including this one about its passage. (I suggest you not read the comments.  Even about an issue like this, people find bones to pick. Sheesh. :p )


  1. This is just fantastic news. I'm so pleased to read this.

  2. This is excellent news! Well done to Canada for leading the way! Recognition is wonderful, but I'm more pleased that with the legislation comes funding for research and services!
