
Monday, December 7, 2015

#MicroblogMondays: Bah, humbug...

Welcome to my whine & cheese party. :p  I'm sick. :(  AND Aunt Flo conveniently decided to drop by at the same time -- talk about a double whammy. :p

It's been a busy couple of weeks... I'd been feeling fatigued and there was a suspicious scratch in my throat, which should have been a clue that something was up, I guess. Then on Friday, we spent a couple of chilly hours tramping around downtown Toronto and the Christmas Market. Which was a great way to spend the afternoon and get immersed in the holiday spirit, but probably didn't help suppress whatever bug I'd picked up. I haven't had a full-fledged cold in a couple of years, so I guess I was overdue. On the bright side, it's still two weeks before Christmas & travel time. If I had to get sick, this is a much better time for it! 

So here I sit on the loveseat with my laptop, tissues, water, lozenges and TV remote control close at hand. Nothing to do except rest up and focus on getting through this thing as quickly as possible. No kids to worry about (and I think I probably get sick much less often most parents I know), no meetings to attend or deadlines to power through. Christmas shopping can wait another day. Childlessness (and unemployment/retirement) does have its perqs, lol.   

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.     


  1. I'm sorry you're sick, Loribeth! Catch up on some quality tv watching, sleep lots, and get well soon!

  2. Hope you feel better soon! I just bookmarked this recipe yesterday for the next time I get hit with the crud, and thought I'd pass it along.

    1. Bourbon cough syrup?? Hmmm.... ;) My mom used to make us "hot lemonade" when we were sick when we were kids (hot water, lemon juice & honey); maybe it's time to update the old reciple. ;)

  3. Ugh. Being sick is awful. I've been in a similar place too (and not sleeping well because of it). Hoping you feel better very soon!

  4. Yuck. But rest up, focus on yourself, and make sure DH looks after you very well.

  5. Feel better soon! I hope that your DH spoils you!

  6. Ugh. I just hate colds. The only thing that helps is Nyquil. Oh, my beloved Nyquil.

    1. I don't think I've ever tried Nyquil. I try to go easy on the decongestants because I'm on blood pressure meds. I do find gargling with saltwater a couple of times a day seems to help, especially with a sore throat. At any rate, it doesn't hurt. ;)

  7. Yuk. I feel your pain.
    Was in a similar situation back in August. Picked up something while on holiday and it flared up once I got back home. (Took 10 weeks to shake it).
    Your last sentence made me chuckle.... I had the exact same thoughts while sick. One of the few positive times it didn't hurt so much to be childless. I also retired early due to redundancy. I call it my "open ended career break"....people seem less horrified than if I tell them I'm retired at my age. ;)
    No excuses, now you have to sit back and take it easy and read and watch TV and surf online, all to pass the time of course!

    1. 10 weeks??! Yuck indeed. :p Hopefully this won't last THAT long! I'm actually feeling a little better today. Amazing what a difference a good night's sleep can make. I like the idea of "open ended career break." ;) I too get the horrified reaction (my own mother included :p ).

  8. I hope you feel better soon. This is what I dread about winter -- all the colds.

  9. God bless you. Dealing with cold is quite uncomfortable but the positive side is you have to take a lot of rest, be in your love seat and catch up with your fav TV programmes. It is going to be pretty hectic with Christmas and holidays so enjoy the little resting time. Hoping you get better soon.
