
Monday, August 29, 2016

#MicroblogMondays: Auntie waterproofing

Oldest Nephew's wedding day is rapidly approaching, & my mind has been whirling with details. (Do you think men ever do this??)  Dress? Check. Spanx? Check. ;)  Shoes? Check, although I need to (try to) break them in a bit. Evening bag? Check. Jewelry? Earrings, yes, but I want to find a bracelet (cheap rhinestone &/or silver -- since none of the umpteen bracelets that I already have seem suitable, lol). Dh still needs to try on his suit to make sure it still fits ;) and I will need to make sure one of his dress shirts has been freshly laundered & ironed, and that he has a suitable tie. I will need to make sure we have a card with a cheque inside ;)  (traditional Italian-Canadian wedding gift) and that my camera/phone batteries are freshly charged with backups available. And make an appointment for a manicure/pedicure for a day or two in advance of the big event.

I've also been thinking about my hair & makeup. I don't wear much makeup since I lost my job/stopped working, but I have a ton of cosmetics from those days that I'll be able to use. However, I am lacking one crucial thing: WATERPROOF MASCARA.  I am not sure whether the stuff actually works, but I figure if I ever needed it, this would be the occasion. I cried buckets at PND's wedding six years ago, and I expect I will be a similar emotional mess on this occasion.  ;)  However, since PND's wedding ceremony & reception were in the same small town where my parents live, I had time to go home in between & touch up/reapply my makeup. I'm not sure I will have time to do that here, although I will certainly be bringing along an emergency kit in the car with me. And, as both aunt & godmother, I will probably be in a few more photos than I was at PND's wedding. So it's important to me that I look my best & not an Alice Cooper-ish mess. ;)

I used Maybelline Great Lash & Cover Girl Professional mascaras from the drugstore for years when I was younger, and I always thought they worked just fine. I haven't actually bought a tube of mascara in years, though -- I use a lot of Clinique & Estee Lauder skin care products, so I've just been living off the freebies that come in their "gift with purchase" bags. ;)  But I don't think I've ever used waterproof mascara. I will probably approach the girls at the Clinique & Estee Lauder counters at the department store on our next visit to a mall, &/or Sephora, but I thought I would tap into your collective wisdom too. :)  

So, questions: Do you ever wear waterproof mascara? Does it really work? Can you recommend a brand for me? Do you need to buy a special remover to take it off, or does regular makeup remover work just as well?

Enquiring minds/emotional aunties need to know. ;) 

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.        


  1. Yes, water-proof mascara helps (not fool-proof), so I recommend the investment. It's been years since I reliably wore make-up, so no recommendations.

  2. Yes, I always do the Great Lash in the pink container. It's definitely waterproof. Just buy the eye makeup remover, or it's take days to come off.

  3. Yes, waterproof mascara works. I've always thought if I could bottle tears, they'd be the best eye make-up remover ever and I'd make a fortune, so it's definitely worth investing in waterproof mascara.

    Oh, and a little tip. Last wedding I went to (my niece's wedding last year), I took along some cute flat sandals that fitted in my hand-bag, and which I could slip on later in the evening when my feet got really sore in my heels. The relief was immense!

    1. I saw a HUGE number of women changing into flats/sandals/flipflops for dancing at the last wedding I went to in June!! I think I will do that too, after all the photos have been taken. ;) I suspect my new shoes (silver dressy sandals with heels, to go with my dress) aren't going to be that comfortable, even if they look great. :p ;)

  4. I'm a klutz so I've never really worn mascara (because I value my vision and don't trust myself to put it on with out incurring irreversible damage), but I think that waterproof would definitely be the way to go.

    Oh, and I'm pretty sure that men don't devote more than about three seconds a day to their apparel. Hubs and I once had a conversation about why it wasn't appropriate to wear a Depeche Mode t-shirt to Christmas dinner at his grandma's house.....

  5. Water proof mascara totally works. I wore it for a year after Eliza died because I literally cried every single day. My recommendation is L'oreal voluminous mascara. It is nearly as good as the pricy ones, I think, and costs much less.

  6. Exciting times! I wore waterproof mascara for my wedding, and I used Great Lash I think. Or some other Cover Girl yellow-with-blue-writing volumizing thing. I love CLinique Double Lash mascara and I bet they have a waterproof version, but I am cheap and find drugstore versions work just as well, especially for a waterproof version you'll probably wear a handful of times before the tube expires. :) Eye makeup remover, yes (Clinique's Take Off the Day is great, but I also like the wipes, although I get a little Alice Cooper-y in the morning with those). It is hilarious and infuriating the difference between me getting ready for a fancy event and Bryce getting ready. Although I stay away from the Spanx because I feel a bit too constricted, although I do love how it smooths everything out. I think of Melissa McCarthy in The Heat yelling at Sandra Bullock for her Spanx every time I think of it. :)

  7. Waterproof mascara works well. I'd buy drug store brand to save money, but it will work just as well. I like Cover Girl. The make-up remover is worth it, too. Just need a cotton ball or two with it. Very easy. Well worth it. Have fun!!

  8. Just a helpful hint - you can use your regular mascara and then just apply a coat of whatever waterproof mascara you find over top. This will give you the same affect as your regular mascara but make it waterproof! :)

  9. Ha -- I am no help in the mascara department (or makeup in general) but I was so sure that the waterproofing was going to be of the puppy-proofing the house variety. What are they doing with the dog?

    1. LOL... Grandma & Grandpa to the rescue!! Nephew went to his dad (BIL) & said, "Ummm, Dad, do you think you could take some time off after the wedding? -- we need someone to look after the dog while we're away!" BIL said, "NOW you think of it??" He & SIL already had some time booked off to recuperate as it was. So looks like we are off the hook, thank goodness. ;) But I still shake my head over it... you would think they would have considered that little detail BEFORE they got the dog, right?? Kids...! (Although this "kid" will be 28 years old soon...!)

  10. This is such a questions I would ask. I'm glad you did because there are some terrific ideas here for nonmakeupy gals like us who once in awhile need to glam up.

    Now I COULD tell you about spanx.
