
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Current

Going through some old posts from this time last year, and found this meme, originally done in July 2012, and inspired by a similar 2012 post at By the Brooke. Time for a refresh! ;)

(I love doing memes like this, if you haven't already noticed...!)

Current Book(s) -- "The Bridge Ladies" by Betsy Lerner.  "Avalanche: A Love Story" by Julia Leigh is also in my to-read pile (Pamela at Silent Sorority is hosting a virtual book tour for the week of Sept. 18, if you're interested). I also want to re-read the next couple of books in the Poldark series by Winston Grahan ("Jeremy Poldark" and "Warleggan"), in preparation for the upcoming season of "Poldark" on PBS (yay!!).  And there are a bunch of new books coming this fall that I want, including Bruce Springsteen's memoir, "Born to Run," and a new Flavia de Luce mystery by Alan Bradley. So many books, so little time...!

Current Playlist -- I don't have any digital music on my semi-new smartphone, but I do sometimes listen to CDs on the stereo while I'm cleaning house or when dh is out, and recently unpacked my collection & arranged it on a new tall/narrow bookshelf we bought specifically for that purpose. :)  Our radio station of choice while we're driving is the local classic rock station, which gives us a steady diet of the great music from our youth. ;) 

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure -- Way too much ice cream, both Haagen Dasz bars in the freezer at home and gelato when we're out. (Some really excellent gelato shops hereabouts...!)

Current Color -- Wearing lots of purple right now. And enjoying my light blue-grey main living area in our new condo. After years of living with warm colours (various shades of beige), the cooler shades are a nice change.

Current Drink -- Starbucks tea lattes (tall non-fat Royal English Breakfast). Or their Black Iced Team Lemonade on really hot days.

Current Food -- I hadn't had a hamburger in years... not because I'm vegetarian or because I was afraid of e-coli or anything (OK, maybe a bit). There are just usually a lot of other things I'd rather order when I'm eating out at a restaurant, and I got out of the habit. Until our road trip this summer, when I had a couple of really good ones. Plus, it's generally a safe choice for me (with my tomato allergies), because I can usually ask the waiter to hold the ketchup & tomato (easy enough to do). Last week we had burgers two days in a row, first at Hero Burger and then at Five Guys. Both very good. But yeah, two days in a row is probably a bit excessive....!

Current Favorite Show -- I don't think I have one at the moment. I have not been watching a whole lot of TV lately, aside from dh's favourite old sitcoms in syndication (endless reruns of "The Simpsons" and "Everybody Loves Raymond"...!) and occasional documentaries on PBS & CBC.  It seems like all my usual favourite shows are in reruns and I am impatiently waiting for the new fall season to start.

Current Wishlist -- Lots of books that I would like to read (& that are on my actual Chapters/Indigo and Amazon wishlists), but no big rush, since I have enough books to read to last me through the next millennium...! I am also keeping my eyes open for some nice photo collage frames -- we don't have quite as many surfaces to display framed photos in our condo, so I would like to put up a couple of collages instead (although blank wall space is also pretty limited...!). I've also been mulling over having a professional closet organizer come in to look at our closets, the front hall and laundry closets in particular. My laundry supplies are currently sitting on the floor in front of the washer, and the front hall closet is a walk-in that's crammed full of stuff (shoes, cleaning supplies, vacuum cleaner, mops, etc.). It's not so much of a problem right now, but it will be in the winter when we'll need to access our coats , hats, scarfs, etc. (hanging right at the back).

Current Needs -- There is nothing I can think of that I really, truly, urgently need at the moment. Except maybe the waterproof mascara that I blogged about earlier. ;)  We've bought an awful lot of new stuff for our condo over the last few months and have covered most of the big "need" items and even a few "wants."  We would still like to get new end tables & a coffee table &/or ottoman (I want the coffee table, dh is pulling for an ottoman instead) to replace the ones we've had for the past 31 years and match the rest of our new furniture, but it's not an urgent item on our to-do list.  

OK, one more item: I do think I need a new shower caddy. The one I have is getting kind of rusted. However, I am very picky and haven't yet found one that I really like. I want to have one with a bar on the bottom where I can hang up my washcloth (something my current caddy has), and I am not seeing a lot with that particular feature right now.

Current Triumphs -- (Still) loving our condo (if not exactly loving the new community overall). The more condos we see, the more we realize we hit the jackpot. The location, layout (storage space!!), upgrades installed by the previous owner, etc., are so much better than just about any other unit we've seen, including other units in this same building.  And the new paint, furniture & other décor items we've bought have all come together quite nicely!

Current Bane of my Existence -- Back to school and empty nest articles, photos & posts on social media -- all unwelcome reminders of my childlessness and the daughter who would be starting her first year of university soon. And since most schools here don't start until next Tuesday, this is only the beginning...!! :p  ARRRGGGGHHHHH....

Current Celebrity Crush -- No one standout at the moment, but off the top of my head:  Aidan Turner (Ross Poldark). George Clooney. Bruce Springsteen. Jon Bon Jovi. Sam Elliott. :)

Current Indulgence -- Haagen Dasz ice cream bars. 

Current #1 Blessing -- Dh is so much happier since we made the move to the condo. That makes ME happy.

Current Slang or Saying --  Hmmm, not sure I have one.

Current Outfit -- Denim shorts from Reitmans, grey & white "NY" T-shirt from American Eagle

Current Excitement -- Just a few more weeks until Oldest Nephew's wedding (eeeeekkkkkkk.....!!!)!!!

Current Mood -- Sad that summer went by so fast, apprehensive about all the back-to-school hoopla about to unfold, but generally excited about the fall!  


  1. I love these memes - it gives more than a little snapshot of your life. I might steal this one. I'm also thrilled that both you and DH are loving your new condo. A shift like that is scary. But with a great condo near some great gelato shops - it sounds perfect!

  2. I'm also looking forward to reading Avalanche; MUST order it. And for Poldark to return! Classic comfort-viewing on a Sunday evening. I saw Aidan Turner in Dublin once, in the flesh.... I am totally with you on ice cream, I can't get enough: the older I get, the more I get into ice cream; should it not be the opposite? Had Brown Bread and Marmalade gelato a couple of weeks ago at an artisan place: unreal.

    1. Jealous!!! (Re Aidan Turner.) Although I am probably old enough to be his mother...!! :p

  3. Lots going on in your world, which makes me doubly glad you have carved out time to participate in the book tour! Excited to share that author and filmmaker Julia Leigh will take our questions! Very cool. Will post more details on the blog tour on my blog later this weekend. Targeting the first day of Fall (September 21) for all who have blogs and want to participate! xo

  4. Oh, I love these memes, too!

    This has been very much an ice cream summer for me as well. I'm normally not that much into ice cream - not sure why it's been different this year ;-). I discovered peppermint chocolate chip ice cream during our summer holidays, so yum!
