
Monday, October 31, 2016

#MicroblogMondays: 9

How's this for scary -- it's not just Halloween today, it's my blogoversary. My NINTH blogoversary. Yikes!!

As I said at this time last year, "I'm not always sure how I keep coming up with things to write about, but hey, I'm still here...!" 

Here are a few updated stats to ponder:

Number of years blogging:  9

Published posts (including this one): 1,115
Average # of posts per year: 124
Average # of posts per month: 10
Published comments: more than 8,090
Page views (tracked since May 2008):  471,000+   
Followers (on Blogger):  143

As always -- thank you all for reading/listening, commenting and just being here.

Blogoversary #8 (2015)
Blogoversary #7 (2014)
Blogoversary #6 (2013)
Blogoversary #5 (2012)
Blogoversary #4 (2011)
Blogoversary #3 (2010)
Blogoversary #2 (2009)
Blogoversary #1 (2008)
First post

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.    


  1. Woo hoo! You're awesome! Big celebration next year for the 10th?

  2. Congratulations!!! That's amazing! You are my inspiration for continuing to come up with great posts!

  3. Wow, 9 years! I guess I've been at it almost as long as you! Congratulations, glad you're still here!

  4. wow, that's pretty impressive! Happy Blog anniversary!
