
Monday, November 14, 2016

#MicroblogMondays: I got nothing

This is kind of a cheat post. I really have nothing significant to say this week;  I just didn't want to miss a #MM. ;)  I am still, like many of you, stunned and heartbroken and upset by the U.S. election results and subsequent fallout. (And I'm not even American...!) The struggle continues, I guess, but sometimes, you just get tired of struggling... :(   I truly feel for those of you who have had to explain the inexplicable to your children.  :(

No doubt part of the reason I am feeling moody & lethargic is that I sense Aunt Flo hovering in the background, ready to make a splashy (hoping that's not literal) entrance. I have never been anxious to meddle in a natural process, but seriously, how long is this going to drag on??!  I'm going to be 56 in the not-too-distant future;  I have been dealing with AF since I was 11.  45 years of this is really QUITE enough, thankyouverymuch. :p  Am I going to be 60 & still having to put up with this crap??!  

On the bright side, it's mid-November and the weather has (still) been gorgeous. Of course, this is all very likely due to global warming and the impending doom of our planet -- but hey, 13C/55F on Nov. 14th! 

(And as I write that date out, it occurs to me that this was my original due date back in 1998, i.e., Katie's 18th would-be birthday. No wonder I'm in a mood... )

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here    


  1. Yeah, the mood has been pretty damn low lately. Sorry about AF. Would be nice if you can say goodbye to that aspect soon (enough is enough, right?). And the weather has been beautiful. Frightening to think of why....

  2. Abiding with you on Katie's due date. I can imagine how this date might make you feel many feels. <3

  3. Sigh. It's been a tough week, but this is the new reality. (I just don't like it much.) I have to talk about it with other people's kids, not my own, and when I have a rather large majority who are happy about the results it is really hard to remain neutral. Oh no, AF, go AWAY! Time to vamoose! I hope your mood lifts.

  4. Sending a hug about the due date.

    Whatever you do, do not calculate how much you have spent over that time period on period supplies. I did that once. Huge mistake. Broke my heart.

  5. Oh, man. AF needs to cut you a break already!

    My four-year-old announced in the car today that Donald Trump is mean and asked if he's the president everywhere. Sigh...

  6. Hugs and sending thoughts your way. Double edged sword, felling emotional and then realizing the day is a significant date. It may bring relief in knowing a possible reason for your deep sadness, but also serves as a reminder.

  7. A big ole hug over the due date. November sucks for so many reasons.....

  8. Hugs over the date. I've skipped the last two MMs, both because I've been travelling, and the year and events seem to have taken my voice away!
