
Monday, December 3, 2018

#MicroblogMondays: Close encounters of the Instagram kind :)

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you'll know that I am a fan of the TV show "Designated Survivor," with Kiefer Sutherland as the Housing Secretary who winds up becoming President of the United States. The show was cancelled by ABC after two seasons, but has been picked up by Netflix. (I'll admit, the second season was not as gripping as the first, but I like Kiefer and Maggie Q, so I've been hanging in there!)

Turns out that Donny Osmond is a "Designated Survivor" fan too!  :)  Friday night, he posted on social media:
I normally don't binge watch TV shows, but Designated Survivor is an exception. Funny thing is, now I've got everyone on the #DMHolidayTour hooked! We can’t wait for the 3rd season. Anyone else a fan? 
Kiefer Sutherland, you are my new hero. Is there anything you can't do?
I first saw Donny's post on Instagram -- so I "liked" it & responded: "Love that show;  happy that Netflix has picked it up!"

I couldn't believe my eyes awhile later when I got a notification: "Donny Osmond liked your comment."  WHAT??!!!  (I had no clue how to take & save a screen shot on my phone -- but believe me, this sent me scrambling for my "device help" app to figure out how to do it, lol.)

If only my 12-year-old self could see this...!!  I could never have imagined such a thing happening back then (45 years ago!! -- gulp...), when posters of Donny & his brothers graced my bedroom walls, and "Puppy Love" and "Yo-Yo" were permanent fixtures on my record player turntable. (Kids today have NO idea...!)  Ah, the power of the Internet to connect us -- even, sometimes, to the teen idols of our youth!

(To make things even more fun, I notice that Kiefer Sutherland liked Donny's post on Facebook. I wonder if Donny was as thrilled by that as I was by his??  lol)

Have you ever connected with a favourite celebrity online?

(Past post wherein I reviewed one of Marie's books and confessed my enduring affection for all things Osmond, lol:  here.)

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


  1. Ooooh, wow! That's pretty exciting!

    Alas, no notable online interactions for me...yet, anyway ;).

  2. I was so excited to see this! Yes, Donny Osmond and David Cassidy were the heart-throbs of my youth too.

    And no, I've never connected with a celebrity online. Sigh.

  3. That's awesome! How funny to think what your tween self would think if she could know. The internet shrinks the world for sure! No crazy internet moments for me, is have to figure out the Twitter to even try to make that happen!
