
Saturday, December 1, 2018

Right now

Right now... (an occasional meme, alternating from time to time with "The Current")

Reading:  Currently reading: "Fed Up:  Emotional Labor, Women, and the Way Forward" by Gemma Hartley. Almost finished;  review to come. :)  I've already reached my Goodreads 2018 Reading Challenge goal of 24 books! (this would be #25).

Recent purchases:
Watching:  Another season of "Poldark" is over (sniffle).  This was season 4, which brought us to the end of the first 7 books in a series of 12 by Winston Graham. The next novel in the series, "The Stranger From the Sea," takes a leap in time of 10 years and focuses more on the children of Ross & Demelza, their friends and relatives. There will be one more season of "Poldark" with the current cast (filming is now under way), but it will be set within that 10-year gap -- in other words, it will be almost entirely written from the imagination of the scriptwriters, based on clues in the later novels as to what happened during that time. (I'm assuming both the actors & the producers felt they were too young to play older versions of their characters just yet.)  This makes me a little nervous -- although it seemed to work fairly well this past season with "The Handmaid's Tale," as it went beyond the material in Margaret Atwood's novel. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it all turns out...!

Listening:  To Christmas music. I have a lot of Christmas CDs, but some of our favourites to listen to while we're decorating include A Charlie Brown Christmas (of course), Blue Rodeo's A Merrie Christmas to You, Pink Martini, and Bing Crosby.

FollowingAfter seeing the movie "Bohemian Rhapsody" recently, I looked up Queen on social media. One thing led to another and I'm now following both Brian May & Roger Taylor (guitarist & drummer), as well as the actors who played them & the other band members in the film.  Judging from their Instagram posts (and their comments on each other's posts), they seem to have had a great time filming and promoting the movie together. Among the gems I found:  a Lego version of the movie trailer (Brian May loved it), a "Wayne's World"-inspired deviation from the original "Bohemian Rhapsody" music video that didn't make it into the movie ;)  and a lifesized cardboard cutout version of the actor Ben Hardy (who played Roger Taylor in the movie), which accompanied the other celluloid band members on a promotional tour (you have to see the posts!).

Drinking/Eating: Still haven't had a Starbucks gingerbread latte yet. :)  I like to have at least one during the season. :)

Wearing:  My winter jackets again. :(  So far, though, I haven't had to pull out my boots!

Buying (besides books, lol): Christmas presents! :)  Not done yet, but I've made a good dent in the list.

Trying: To get used to LED light bulbs. There are only two 60-watt incandescent bulbs left in the house, being used in our living room lamps. :(   They are no longer being sold in Canada, and I've exhausted my stash. (Previous blog whine about the incandescent phase-out here.)

Wanting: To get to the nearby art gallery where I have a membership before one of the exhibits closes soon.

Loving: My Christmas tree, now up and decorated. :)

Feeling:  Christmas-y. :)

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