
Thursday, April 4, 2019

PVD update/Purse inventory

  • Sorry if I've been absent from your blogs lately (although I seem to have been able to write a decent number of posts on my own blog...!).  
  • Floaters & flashes from my PVD (more than a week ago now) continue, albeit I only really notice the flashes in the dark as I'm getting into bed. 
  • Went back to the optometrist yesterday. He says things continue to look good, but he wants me back in another two weeks to check things out again. Meanwhile, the restrictions on heavy lifting/straining continue. 
  • Dh, of course, is the ultimate enforcer!! He won't let me do much of ANYTHING... & while it sounds nice in theory, in practice, it can be frustrating.  
  • He doesn't like me sitting on the couch with the laptop -- and leaning over to set it on the floor, and then pick it up again... so he's set it up on the desk in the office and decreed if I want to use the laptop while my eye is healing, I need to use it in there.  Which is OK, except it's nowhere near as comfortable as the couch, the office chair keeps sllllloooowwwwwly lowering itself  (& then I need to jack it back up again!), and the screen is a little too low for comfort. I may have to get some books or photo albums to raise it to a more comfortable height. 
    • I do most of my blog reading & commenting on my laptop;  hence, another reason why I've been absent lately... 
    • I do have my blog reader app (Bloglovin) on my phone... and had to install it on my new phone this week. Unfortunately, whenever I open it, it won't take me to my feed. It makes me create a NEW feed with their recommendations first before it takes me to my own feed -- and then I have to delete all the crap they added. This happens EVERY TIME I try to open it. (It's fine on my laptop.) I seem to remember a similar issue when I put it on my old phone too, but it eventually started working OK.  I checked out the reviews on the app store & there were a lot of complaints along the same lines, so I'm obviously not the only one who finds this incredibly annoying...!  
  • Dh was also eyeing my purse (which I carry on my right shoulder -- the right eye is the one that's bothering me).  I've already pared it down a fair bit from what I used to carry.... but yes, it still weighs a fair bit...! (Men, of course, never have to worry about these things, do they?)(In part, because all the stuff we haul around tends to benefit them too!)   
    • The two weightiest items are my wallet and a smaller wallet/organizer that holds the loyalty/membership cards that don't fit in my regular wallet &/or that I don't use as often. I still always carry some cash (which I know marks me as a dinosaur in some quarters...), although I try to empty out most of my change after every outing -- those one & two-dollar coins really add up fast & add to the wallet weight! 
      • I've pared my cards down quite a bit, discarding cards that I no longer use or that came from companies that no longer exist, etc... but there's still quite a bundle of them! I'm thinking about getting an app for at least some of my loyalty cards... a couple of my friends use & recommend Stocard. How about you? 
    • Other stuff in my purse:  
      • a stash of Lifesavers breath mints
      • a pen
      • condo & car keys/fob (pared down considerably from the keychain I used to carry around previously)
      • a small makeup bag that holds a small container of cotton swabs, lip balm, emery board, small pair of folding scissors and a small bottle of lubricating eye drops
      • another small makeup bag with a small tube of ibuprofen and a few packets of both Benadryl & Claritin
      • a Ziploc bag containing two epi-pens
      • a small package of Kleenex
      • a small bottle of Purell hand sanitizer 
      • a Ziploc bag with a couple of sanitary napkins & pantiliners (something men NEVER have to worry about...!)(& which I refuse to abandon until I'm firmly into menopause territory...!)
      • a Ziploc bag with some restaurant coupons inside 
      • glasses case with sunglasses & cleaning cloth inside
      • I still carry around a small notebook with a key & quarter taped to the cover, and a a dog-earred, hilarious (to me) note that a high school friend gave to me as a joke gift for Christmas more than 40 (!) years ago -- it's been in my purse ever since then. :) 
      • Oh yes, and my cellphone. :)  
    • I could relate to this recent article in the Globe & Mail...! 
    • For comparison's sake, here's a "what's in your purse?" post I did back in 2010!  
    • My current purse is a black Baci bag, with lots of pockets & compartments. :) I think I got it for about $70-80, some years ago. It's starting to get rather worn, though, so I'm thinking I'll probably get rid of it when I switch purses soon for spring. :) 
(P.S.  After I wrote this post, dh came in & said, "I just finished looking through your purse... I have to say, I can't really find much that I think you can do without!"  HA!!) (But, he added, "It's still too heavy!"  I know. SIGH.)  


  1. Glad your optometrist is happy with your PVD progress.

    I used to have Bloglovin, but didn't like it, and now I use Feedly for my blog reading - it syncs across my phone, laptop, iPad. It's really excellent when I remember to use it! You should be able to import your feed from Bloglovin to Feedly.

    I've just copied a lot of my cards onto Stocard. I haven't used it much, but my husband uses it and is really happy with it. (And he's a tech dinosaur in many ways!)

    And yes, my handbag is always too heavy! I sympathise. I think your list of items is perfectly reasonable. I mean, if your DH agrees, you've really pared it down! Though I always have several packets of tissues, and more than one pen, glasses wipes, lipsticks too.

    1. Hmmm. I may consider switching if this gets too frustrating. Especially if I can import my current Blogloving feed. :)

  2. I switches purses a couple of years ago from a leather to a lighter canvas/nylon type purse. It's still really cute, and it's amazing how much lighter the purse itself is. I recently tried to go back to a leather purse, and just couldn't with the weight difference - and that was with the same amount I keep in the lighter purse.
    This ie the one I have:

    Inside it I have:
    -small hand sanitizer
    -breath strips
    -chapstick pot
    -Keys: Fobs for 2 vehicles, key for one (other is integrated into the fob), 2 house keys, keychain
    -Wallet ( a smaller one, which automatically means I can put less into it. I looked at the loyalty cards I actually used and seemed to provide good value in exchange for carting them around. In my wallet I have 2 debit cards, 4 credit cards, driver's license & health card, health insurance card, vehicle insurance slip, PC Optimum card, Canadian Tire money card, Tim Horton's card, Presto Card, Costco Card, Library Card, postage stamps, a bit of cash & change.
    -Prescription sunglasses in a case with cleaning cloth
    -The zippered pouch pictured that came with my purse and in it is allergy eye drops, allergy pills, allergy puffer (seeing a theme?), bandaids, tweezers, floss picks, femenine products, Tide To-Go pen & nail clippers
    -My phone, a small phone battery pack (size of a tube of lipstick) and 2" charging cord & headphones

    1. Your purse contents sound a lot like mine! :) We have a lot of the same cards too. ;) I also keep a Tide2Go in my makeup bag.

      I still like a wallet with a change section that has a clasp. They're getting harder to find, though. I also want a chequebook holder. Those are REALLY getting harder to find!! lol I have a couple extras stashed away, though, so I'm good for quite a few years still. ;) Something along these lines:

  3. Ditto everything you said plus and old pair of old glasses in case I lose a contact and sunglasses.

    1. I always take an old pair of glasses along for me & dh as backup when we're travelling. Thank goodness I did too -- he broke his glasses when we were on our road trip a couple of summers ago, but he could still see well enough with the old ones to drive home.

  4. If I'm wearing makeup, I'll throw a lipstick, concealer & eyeliner pencil into the makeup bag for touchups. The lip balm & other stuff stays there full time, though! ;)

  5. Oh, the heavy purse curse... Bryce doesn't get the point of bags and carrying so much crap. I try to parents dude when I get a new bag, but it creeps up so quickly! I have pens, pencils, lipsticks, hand sanitizer, a notebook, lip balm, hand cream, my phone, my Kindle, my asthma inhaler, my wallet, a book, stamps, sometimes my work ipad... Way too much.

    I'm glad you're PVD is coming along and healing. I like commenting on the laptop so much better, but have been doing it on my phone while out for the count with recovery. Good luck with figuring out Bloglovin, I've never tried it but hopefully you can get it up and running the way you want it to!

    1. Actually -- Bloglovin suddenly started behaving itself yesterday. Knocking wood & fingers crossed that it continues!
