
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Right now

Right now... (an occasional meme, alternating from time to time with "The Current")

Reading:  I read 2 books in March (and reviewed them here on my blog):  
"Where'd You Go, Bernadette" by Maria Semple and "Spring Magic" by D.E. Stevenson (for my online Stevenson group). This brings my Goodreads 2019 Reading Challenge YTD total to 8 books (3 ahead of schedule for my goal of 24, which is a nice surplus to have...!).

I also recently attended my first meeting of the local library's book club, where we discussed "Beartown" by Fredrick Backman. I will return!  ;)   

Current read: "The German Girl" by Armando Lucas Correa (my library book club's pick for its next meeting in late April). 

Recent purchases/additions to the TBR pile: 
Watching:  March movies (at the theatre): "The Favourite" and "Apollo 11."  

On TV:  "Jann," the new sitcom starring Jann Arden, whom I was lucky enough to hear speak two years ago. Aside from being a wonderful singer, songwriter, writer, media personality and social media maven, she is a born actress, playing a fictionalized version of herself here. She is also screamingly funny. I don't know if it's available outside of Canada, but see it if you can! 

Listening:  Anne Bogel, aka "Modern Mrs. Darcy," has a new podcast!  I've listened to & enjoyed a few episodes of "What Should I Read Next?" -- but she has started a second podcast, One Great Book. Each episode features one of her favourite books that she wants to share with listeners... and each episode (so far, anyway) only runs about 10 minutes. Perfect for a quick listen -- and I am so glad I got in on this one at the beginning, so I don't have a huge backlog of episodes to listen to! (Knowing there is a huge list of podcast episodes that I haven't yet heard -- and will probably never get to -- offends my obsessive-compulsiveness, lol.)  

Following:  I WAS following the world figure skating championships a couple of weeks ago.  Next year's Canadian championships will be held in nearby Mississauga... and worlds in Montreal, which is a few hours' drive away. Hmmm.... 

Drinking/Eating: When 
Msfitzita heard we were moving to our current location (almost three years ago now, GULP), she told me I HAD to try the pizza at a certain local restaurant, that it was the best she'd ever had.  We've been there many times to the takeout gelato counter, and finally went for the pizza a few Saturday nights ago. Thin crust, cooked to perfection in a wood-fired oven and served piping hot. They even had a tomatoless choice on the menu for me (prosciutto ham with mozzarella cheese, thinly sliced potatos, caramelized onions & rosemary). Yum!!  (I couldn't finish mine -- each one is about the size of a large dinner plate -- so I took the rest home with me & had it for lunch the next day.) 

Wearing:  My (lightweight, down-filled) winter jacket. STILL.  :p  Winter:  GO. AWAY. 

Buying (besides books, lol):  Walked into the phone store this morning with a question about a mailing we received yesterday. Walked out an hour & a half later with two new cellphones & new plans.  We didn't actually pay for the phones, since we signed up for another two-year contract. Supposedly we will be paying less for the same services than we are right now... guess we'll see...!!  He only transferred over emails, photos & contacts, etc., so I spent the entire afternoon reloading all the rest of my apps & signing in, changing ringtones & other settings to my own preferences, etc. etc.... I am beat! (I am sure a millennial could have done all this in two seconds flat, but we're two aging baby boomers here, lol...) 

Also buying:  Lindor chocolate mini-eggs at our local supermarket. They've been on sale for almost half the usual price since the Easter candy was set out, shortly after Valentine's Day was over, and I pick up a new bag every time we're there. (Moaning:  In yesterday's post, about the 5+ pounds I've put on over the past 4-5 weeks... hmmm.... :p  ;)  )  

Trying: To be patient while things settle down from my PVD. We will be back at the optometrist's office this week for our regular checkups and a followup for me. My understanding is that it will take a few weeks or even months before I stop seeing the floaters & flashes of light on the periphery of my vision. The main thing to watch for is that they don't suddenly increase. 

Wanting:  Spring to hurry up and get here, already. (Yes, I know, it's officially spring according to the calendar... but it still doesn't look or feel like it here. We've had hints of warmer weather, here & there, but...) 

Loving: Even though it's still been chilly outside, and we had MORE snow over the weekend, we've had quite a few clear, sunny days lately.  Gives me hope that it really is spring after all...!  

Feeling: Tired, but hopeful. 


  1. You're doing very well on the reading challenge! I'm impressed you're three ahead of your target already.
    The pizza sounded very yummy. We always liked the white pizzas - potato and herbs - in Italy.
    I just got a new phone yesterday too! I was very happy with what I had, except for the storage. (I could add photos to an extra card, but I couldn't add new apps). So now I have 128 GBs and I'm very happy! Swapping over was easier than I thought, but not every app got moved across, and so I spent yesterday evening doing exactly what you described. And I need to check on the notifications - the most annoying part, as I am certain the manufacturers/software writers deliberately hide where/how to turn them off! lol

    1. Oh Mali, that's too funny to think that we were sitting on opposite ends of the globe, doing exactly the same thing yesterday! :)

      128 GB of storage -- wow! I was consistently at 85-90% on my old phone, which had 16 GB memory... I don't THINK my new phone has any more storage than the old one, and I have most of the same apps, but right now I'm between 50 & 65%, I think -- much better! I try to clear my cache/junk files regularly, which helps, and I have a reminder set to transfer over my photo files to my laptop every two weeks or so. They're also backed up to Google photos.

  2. I'm reading Bernadette right now at your suggestion and am loving it!

  3. Lots of good stuff here... Congrats on being ahead on your reading Challenge! I have The Alice Network on my to-read-while-recuperating list.... And yes, these few spring days and popping up of daffodils give hope that we will truly be springy soon!
