
Monday, August 9, 2010

Mommyblogger me (??!!)

In my heart of hearts, I know I am a mother. It's just hard sometimes to remember that or to feel that way sometimes, when the rest of the world -- even when they know my story -- doesn't seem to see it that way.

That's why I'm always so grateful when other people acknowledge that, yes, I am a mother too, even if you don't see me pushing a stroller or sitting on the sidelines of my daughter's soccer game or chaperoning a school field trip.

And that's one reason why Melissa totally rocks -- because she understands, & because she's made it her mission to get more people whose lives might not have been directly touched by pregnancy loss &/or infertility to understand too.

Melissa e-mailed me last night -- as Katie's "anniversary" weekend was ending -- to tell me that she'd nominated me for's list of "Must-Read Moms," which was released at the BlogHer convention in New York last weekend. Not only was I nominated, "The Road Less Travelled" was named to the supplementary list of "More Must Reads." On page 15, to be exact.

To say I was flattered would be an understatement. Flabbergasted is more like it, lol. I'm always thrilled whenever one of my posts makes Melissa's Friday roundup. Recognition from your peers (in the ALI blogging community) is so incredibly special. But to be recognized outside that community -- to have the opportunity to open some minds & perhaps get people to consider a different perspective -- to be recognized by non-deadbabymamas as a mother -- well, that's pretty special too.

It was even better when I clicked through the list today & saw the wonderful company I was in -- some familiar names included Lori (who made the top 10!), Calliope, Angie, Ali Edwards (a scrapbooker I greatly admire) & even the great Dooce. In fact, we saw a story about her on PBS's Need to Know earlier in the day. I had to dissuade dh from the notion that this means I will be earning $40,000 a month from blogging now like she does, lol.

Lots of new blogs to explore, too. One thing that struck me as I clicked through the list was how great some of these blogs LOOK, before I ever even read a word. (Needless to say, I'm glad I recently switched my template from Basic Blogger to something with a touch more pizzazz, lol.)

Thank you, Mel. Thank you thank you thank you.

Thank you,, and thank you, BlogHer.

I am deeply, deeply honoured.


  1. Congratulations! You totally deserve it. What wonderful company to be I'm off to check out some of those other blogs

  2. You deserve it, Loribeth. !! I'm so glad Mel nominated you. I enjoy your thoughtful posts and your voice very much. The recognition is such a good thing.


  3. I was thrilled to see your name on there for exactly the same reason -- the acknowledgment of your being a mom.

    Not to mention your writing talent. Oh, and your name ;-)

  4. Congrats, Lori! So glad you are getting recognition, both as a blogger and as a mom. Awesome!

  5. It is well-deserved. Congratulations. Sending you much love. XO

  6. Ello gorgeous!

    I just gave you a very fabulous award [if I do say so myself!].

    Stop by my blog to check it out!

  7. Congrats!!! I'm a regular reader of your blog myself!!

  8. Congrats! Very well-deserved.

  9. To say you deserve this is an understatement.

    This sounds extremely goofy, but I am so proud of you and the other DBM's who made the list. It just swells my heart to know that you and others are getting recognized for the wonderful women that you are, and that you're spreading the word of how complicated motherhood really is. Kudos, bravo, and most of all, thank you.

  10. I was thrilled when I saw you on the list! This is so totally deserved, Loribeth. Your writing is beautiful and powerful. Your writing gives Katie a legacy and honors your motherhood.
    I am so happy that do many more will now share her story, her life, with you.
    Way to go Mom!!!

  11. That is wonderful. Congrats and hank you for representing childless mothers.

  12. Congratulations! And I was reading you before you were 'discovered' ;)

  13. congratulations! that is wonderful.

    and i feel astonished yet completely unsurprised that any (insensitive soul) wouldn't consider you a mother. i did graduate work on this topic and it still boggles my mind. but the western world has such a narrow idea of what makes a mother.

  14. Good writing that sets thought processes in motion deserves to be recognized. And yes, you are and always will be a mother. I obviously didn't plan the timing, but it couldn't have come during a better week when the world should be remembering Katie.

  15. Yes - well deserved! I have always thought of you as one of the 'greats.'

  16. Congratulations! What an honour (I added the "u" just for you :>) for you! I'm so happy that your lovely writing is being recognized.

  17. You definitely deserve any honors bestowed on you. Congratulations!

  18. Congratulations! I just saw your name on the list and I was so excited for you! Your blog name is so awesome and fun! I LOVE it!

  19. You do deserve the honour! You've given me such a huge insight into what it is to be a mother. See, no one ever really talks about this stuff out loud - you've taught me a lot about compassion and understanding.
