
Friday, March 1, 2019

Right now

Right now... (an occasional meme, alternating from time to time with "The Current")

Reading:  I read 3 books in February (and reviewed them all here on my blog):  "Beartown" by Fredrick Backman, "The Golden Tresses of the Dead" by Alan Bradley, and "Parkland" by Dave Cullen. This brings my Goodreads 2019 Reading Challenge YTD total to 6 books (goal:  24).

Current read: "Russian Roulette" by Michael Isikoff & David Corn. It's been in the TBR pile for a while now, & I figured I should (try to) get it read before the Mueller report gets released, lol.  ;)

Recent purchases: "Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland" by Patrick Radden Keefe and "Mourning Has Broken" by Erin Davis.

WatchingThe Oscars (last weekend).  :)  I've been enjoying season 3 of "Victoria" (season finale this Sunday night!) and the new season of "Finding Your Roots" on PBS.

Sadly, we didn't get to the movies at all in February. Nothing out (or at least playing locally) that both of us wanted to see. Maybe this month...! The local multiplex just got "The Favourite" and brought back "Green Book" -- no doubt influenced by the Oscars they won.

Listening:  I am not a big podcast listener -- just haven't gotten into the habit -- but I recently found one that I am enjoying and wanted to share with you here.  Erik & Melissa are a California couple living childless/free after infertility.  They started podcasting about it anonymously at "How Did We Get Here?" but recently went public and changed the name of their podcast to "Living Childfree with Erik & Melissa." They cheerfully admit to being amateurs at podcasting, and frequently interrupt and bicker with each other, but (for me anyway) that's part of the charm. ;) I am looking forward to listening to more from them in the future.

Just before Christmas, Melissa & Erik also told their story on a Huffington Post podcast about infertility, IVFML (and I think when you hear it, you'll understand why they decided to stop pursuing infertility treatments!). (They tell the same story, in greater detail, on episode 3 of their own podcast.)  Hosts Simon & Anna (parenting after infertility) really seem to "get" that this story is not one that people going through infertility want to hear, and that it's difficult for childless people to live in a world that's built around parents and children. That was REALLY refreshing to hear!!  (Slowly but surely, our messages are starting to sink in...!) 

Following:  Four different Instagram pages devoted to dachshunds. ;)  (Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund is hilarious!)

Drinking/Eating: Too many chocolate-covered pretzels, as the numbers on the scale will attest...  :p (I do love the combination of chocolate & salt, though... yum!)

Wearing: Some beautiful new bracelets, handcrafted in sterling silver by a friend of Msfitzita's and purchased on sale. I find her stuff irresistible! & she provides excellent customer service as well. Check it out here!

Buying (besides books, lol):  I recently scored four cute new tops from the sale racks at the Lucky Brand outlet for $75, including tax!  Yay me!  ;)

Trying: (& failing) To get to bed a little earlier. 

Wanting:  Spring. Soon. :p   Pretty please??

Loving: Spending time with family... especially our grown-up nephews. (And the dog, lol.  ;)  )  We ran into Oldest Nephew at the supermarket on Family Day Monday, getting takeout lunch for him & his wife. It was a nice little unexpected encounter, and one of the good things about living here.

Feeling:  Sick & tired of winter!! (And I'm sure you're all sick & tired of reading it from me...!  lol)  Relieved that February is (finally) over.


  1. Argh, I find it hard to believe (or like) that February is over. We share so much in common around our age, but are opposites in MonthLand!

    I'm laughing at you following the dachshund pages. Your bracelets sound lovely. And I too am trying but failing to get to bed a little earlier. Okay, last night I didn't even try. They had on TV the movie Woman in Gold with Helen Mirren and Ryan Reynolds and Tatiana Maslaney and it started late, and finished in the wee small hours (not the wee-ist either!). Sigh. It's a bad habit.

    1. Ooh, we saw that one a few years ago... really liked it!

  2. Add me to the wanting spring list as well. Ugh, I am so tired of winter!

    Checked out the jewelry page - that is gorgeous stuff! Have been listening to IVFML and really enjoyed listening to Erik and Melissa. They seem like such a lovely couple and have quite a story.
