
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Voldemort Day* recap (and other odds & ends)

  • I had several Voldemort Day*-related posts, resources & events to share with you, but somehow lost my posting mojo in the days leading up to last weekend and didn't get a post done. :(  My apologies to the bloggers I meant to highlight and to you all for not sharing. 
  • I had a weepy day last Thursday. The weather was overcast & drizzly.  I was missing little Great-Nephew & the dog. I was wondering when I'm ever going to get to see my parents again. I was wondering when I'm ever going to get out of this condo (much as I like it, there ARE limits...) and back into a store or a coffee shop.  But I was also afraid just thinking about doing any of those things, because who knows if/when it's really going to be safe?  I was thinking about Katie, and trying to forget that it was Voldemort Day coming up, and that we were supposed to be going to see "Hamilton" on Saturday. The political & medical news coming out of the States was jaw-droppingly horrendous. I was watching a documentary on John Lennon and the Beatles on TV, which made me smile (as the Beatles always do), but also made me teary & nostalgic for those more innocent times so long ago... 
  • I am glad Voldemort Day is behind us. It was a rather weird one, even though we've never really been part of the family celebrations stuff (no kids to celebrate me, dh's mother dead before I ever met her & my own mother 1000 miles away). I didn't notice quite as many ads, perhaps (so many stores closed, so many shoppers stuck at home, so many people out of work or temporarily laid off with no income...) -- but there was a steadily rising drumbeat of posts on my social media feeds paying tribute to the wonders of motherhood, and scrolling through them on the day itself, even just for a perfunctory glance, was EXHAUSTING.  The weather sucked too:  we had snow flurries (!) on & off all morning. 
    • On the bright side: Dh raided my stash of blank notecards ;)  and so there was a card waiting for me when I woke up after all (tradition).  He made eggs for brunch and we had beef stew simmering in the crockpot all day for dinner (which smelled wonderful!). There was a cute new video of Little Great-Nephew on Instagram to watch. :)  I spent a few hours on first a Zoom chat and then a text chat on the Gateway Women private community, talked to both my sister & my mother, and watched the latest episode of "World on Fire" on PBS later in the evening. 
  • Also on the bright side: Voldemort Day marked the timely and very welcome return of The NotMom, with a blog post and the first episode of their new podcast on Facebook Live!  You can watch the video recording on The NotMom's Facebook page as well as on YouTube.  
  • It's been wonderful reading posts from others who decided to use the COVID-related prompts I posted a while back as blogging prompts. They include Infertile Phoenix, Jjiraffe and Turia. If you decide to do your own post, I'd love to read it!  (My own answers here.)  
*my personal nickname for Mother's Day = "The Day Which Shall Not Be Named." (Karin, who works with Jody at Gateway Women, calls it "Others Day," which also works, I think...!)


  1. I think it's really normal to have a weepy day. Days that might always have bothered us a little bring up emotions that were closer to the surface than we thought, given everything we are going through at the moment. I watched Becoming, the Michelle Obama documentary last night, and was in tears a number of times.

    I have a version drafted of a post with your COVID prompts - I'll have to finish it and get it up. I'm off to read the others!

  2. The term "Voldemort Day" always cracks me up. I loved those prompts - such a great way to remember this weird time in history. Thanks for the shout out. :)

  3. There totally are those weepy days where everything catches up, and I'm finding they are on those gloomy days, too. LOVE the term "Voldemort Day." I have to try the prompts, I've enjoyed reading them! And I'm glad you got your card and brunch.
