Monday, July 1, 2024

#MicroblogMondays: Small pleasures & annoying things on Canada Day

Small pleasures: 

  • A long weekend (Canada Day). :)  (Even when you're no longer working!) 
    • Empty roads and (mostly) empty parking lots and stores, even when they're open. 
  • Weather that is, today, just right! -- not too hot ( = Saturday), not too cloudy/chilly ( = yesterday). 
  • Spending time with family.  
  • Being absorbed in a good book.  :)  
  • Finding not just one, not just 2 but SIX items on your (admittedly large!) e-book wishlist for sale (between $1.99 and $3.99)!!   Total bill (including tax): $20.98. 
  • Mentioning to dh's cousin (during a conversation about burial vs cremation yesterday (!) -- how cheerful, right??) that we have a cremation niche at a cemetery near our old community -- and having her nod and say, "Of course, you'd want to be close to Katie." I don't think I'd ever heard her say our daughter's name before. That, and the fact that she recognized/acknowledged WHY we would buy a niche there!   
Annoying things:  
  • Politics and politicians (on both sides of the border...!).  :p   ('Nuff said.)  
  • Realizing that I got slightly sunburned on my nose, arms & shoulders after spending hours outside yesterday (on a mostly cloudy day -- and I WAS wearing sunscreen on my face!).  
  • The numbers on the scale continuing to slowly creep upward...  :(  
  • Being told by several of dh's cousins (after dh let it slip that we've rarely been inside a restaurant since the pandemic began) that "oh no, you need to live your life" and "it's just a cold, especially if you've been vaccinated." Sigh... 
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here

1 comment:

  1. Yay, good books for reasonable prices.

    People don't realise that just by speaking the names, or mentioning the truth of our situations, they validate us. I'm so pleased DH's cousin mentioned Katie, and understood immediately your reasons for your niche.

    PS. I find morbid conversations happen quite frequently these days! We're looking at updating our Wills before we travel later this year. Very cheery thoughts! lol

    "Just a cold." My DH frequently checks our statistics, and tells me how many people over 60 died of covid in the last week/month. It's still real.
