Monday, January 27, 2025

Odds & ends

  • How is it almost the end of January?? 
  • We (FINALLY!!) got to meet Little Great-Nephew #2 this past weekend!!  He's now 5 weeks old :)  and looks a lot like his older brother did at that age, albeit his hair is a lot darker.  His grandmother dug up his dad's newborn hospital photo and holy cow, the resemblance is startling.  LGN#1 looks a lot more like his mother than his dad, though, so we'll see how things evolve with LGN#2!  
    • Older Nephew (the dad) called during the week and asked if we'd like to come up. Of course we said yes. He apologized that they hadn't invited us to come before this, but he said they've been trying not to get swamped with visitors and just have a few people over at one time, and we said we understood.    
    • SIL had an appointment that morning, but she & BIL drove up later themselves. I held the baby as much as I could once we got there -- because I knew SIL would monopolize him when she arrived -- and she did!  Grandma's prerogative, I guess...!  
    • Dh saw them all in mid-December, on Older Nephew's birthday (not including the baby, who hadn't been born yet!), but I had that horrible cold then and reluctantly stayed home. So I hadn't seen any of them since LGN#1's birthday in mid-November -- two months!  :(  We tried to make sure we gave LGN#1 lots of attention too, as well as the baby.  I can't rough-house with him the way dh does, but I enjoyed helping him do some jigsaw puzzles and admired his drawing and colouring skills while we were there.
    • The dog seemed a little puzzled why I wasn't paying him quite as much as attention as I usually do when I'm there, lol  -- especially when we first came in. I was sitting on the couch holding the baby and he hopped up beside me -- I had to gently push him away. At one point, he hopped up on the back of the sofa and started licking the back of my neck and my ear!!  lol    
  • I've always been a very well-organized person -- but I continue to feel like I just can't get a handle on everything I need to be doing & reading right now. I've been feeling like this for a while now, and certainly since December. That cold, the fall I took and Christmas with my parents really threw my to-do lists and usual routines out of whack...!  
    • Come to think of it, I think this feeling began, or at least intensified, after the U.S. elections in November.... (!! -- hmmm...). 
  • Is anyone else as sick of NFL football as I am??  I'm not sure if it's my current mood, or my imagination, or I just haven't been paying attention, but I feel like dh has watched more football more closely this year than in past years. Sometimes it feels like it's on ALL. THE. TIME!!  (lately, anyway!).  I manage to mostly ignore it/tune it out, but sometimes I can't. I just find it so tedious, and it feels like it's been going on FOREVER... 
    • (It's not even Canadian football! -- I feel like I could cut him some slack in that case, lol.)
    • Of course, he tells me he feels the same way about figure skating season! lol 
    • BIL asks us why we don't just get another TV set? For one thing, I don't particularly want a TV set in my bedroom. For another, I'm not really sure where we'd put it. There's not a lot of space in this condo (also a factor in terms of the noise from two competing TV sets...!), and just about every wall already has a piece of furniture in front of it or something mounted on it. 
  • (Can you tell I'm in a MOOD?  lol) 
  • Our repeat bloodwork (to see whether our cholesterol levels have decreased over the past 3-4 months) is tomorrow morning, at the blood lab just up the street -- we will walk there. We should have the results later that day (certainly by the next day -- we can view them online, and I'm sure our family doctor or his office will be calling us,one way or another).  Wish us luck!! 
  • I was up very early one morning this past weekend for a special reason. I'll be telling you all about it soon! 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got to meet LGN#2. But please, don't neglect the dog! lol
    Also, very glad that we never get NFL here! Looking forward to the post on the "special reason" early morning. ;-) And of course, hoping your blood results were all good.
