Monday, January 13, 2025

#MicroblogMondays: When I'm 64

Yesterday was my 64th (!!) birthday. For months and months now, whenever I thought about this particular birthday, a certain song would start playing in my brain.  (Hint: I'm a lifelong Beatles fan.)  ;) 

Paul McCartney wrote "When I'm 64" in 1956, when he was just 14 years old (!) and recorded it 10 years later for the Beatles' "Sergeant Pepper" album, when he was still just 24. I've heard that when he DID turn 64 (in 2006), his kids & grandkids sent him a recording of themselves singing the song. (He's 82 now.)(!)  

There's a line in the song that has also carved itself into my brain (beyond the opening "When I get old and losing my hair, many years from now..." and "will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64?"):  it's:  

"Grandchildren on your knee/Vera, Chuck and Dave."  

Paul has five adult children (four with his first wife Linda and one with second wife Heather Mills). He's also a grandfather 8 times over. (Daughters Mary & Stella have four kids each-- none of them named Vera, Chuck or Dave). The kids call him "Grandude," which provided the inspiration for two "Grandude" children's books Paul has written. (Fun fact:  the illustrator is Canadian -- I saw her interviewed on the news a few years ago.)  

Needless to say, Vera, Chuck and Dave have not materialized in my own life (and never will) -- and (obviously) neither have their parents.  :p  I do have two wonderful nephews and three adorable great-niblings (including a new little great-nephew I have yet to meet), and I'm very grateful for any time I get to spend with them. (It's great -- but it's not QUITE the same...!) 

Milestone birthdays (including ones highlighted by the Beatles, lol) certainly do make you think about what was, what might have been, and what may come. Next year I'll be 65 and officially a senior citizen, by just about any measure. (!) 

64 (and 65) seems like a very LONG way off when you're 14 or 24 (which is when I got married). I could never have imagined all the things that have happened in my life, good and bad, since then. (Paul is now 82 (!) -- I'm sure he'd say the same thing.) I certainly would never have thought I'd be childless & grandchildless. (Oh, the innocence of youth...)  

Still, aging also gives you an appreciation for the good things in your life. As my grandma used to say (and as I've often recounted in this blog), "It sure beats the alternative...!"  I may not have children or grandchildren -- but I have a great husband (of almost 40! years now), a pretty great extended family, a nice home, a decent pension & benefits, lots of great books to read, plenty to eat, and my health is still pretty good, albeit my blood pressure & cholesterol are higher and knees a whole lot creakier than when I was 24. Still, I'll take it. As the song says, "Who could ask for more?"  

(Well -- we might ask -- but we don't always GET, do we? But we can be grateful for what we do have, especially at this stage of life...!) 

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.  


  1. Happy birthday! (I might be late here, but I was early elsewhere I think!) You're right - I love this! We're so lucky to be whatever age we are. And I can relate to the creaky knees. I really felt my age on my last trip!

  2. OMG, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YOU! I hope it was spectacular!

    That song always makes me chuckle because I don't think of 64 as old at all anymore, I think it only qualified until I was in my twenties. The older you get I guess the younger ages close to you become, ha ha.

    I'm glad you have your nephews, nieces, grandnephews, and grandnieces. It's a place for some of that energy to go, and I love seeing all the times you share with them!

    Happy happy last year you're not a senior citizen, said with love and respect!

  3. Happy Birthday Lori! My husband turned 64 and it felt like such a milestone. Xx

  4. Many happy returns, Lori ❤️
