Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Dodged that one...!

(for now, anyway...!)  

As I wrote previously, both dh & I got warned by our family doctor about our high cholesterol numbers when we had our annual physicals/bloodwork last fall. He gave us lab requisitions to repeat the bloodwork (just for the cholesterol numbers) in January, and said if there wasn't improvement, he'd have to put us on medication. 

Needless to say, that was a sobering thought -- neither of us particularly wanted to add yet another prescription to our daily pill regime.  I can't say we've been complete angels, but we have made an effort in the three months since then to cut back on processed foods;  eat more fruits, vegetables and fibre; snack less and take smaller portions, and to be at least a little more active. As of yesterday morning, I was down about 7 pounds since we saw the doctor in mid-October (and about 20 pounds from my heaviest weight ever), while dh was down about 14. (!! -- isn't that always the way??)  

Yesterday morning, we walked over to the nearby lab for our repeat bloodwork. By late afternoon, I had my results (online), and dh's were waiting when we got up this morning. And... 

All is well!!  :)  All the cholesterol numbers are back within normal range, except dh's HDL (the "good" cholesterol)  -- but it's better than it was. The doctor/his office hasn't called us yet about it, but we're assuming no meds, at least not right now. ;)  

Obviously we have to keep doing what we've been doing!  But it does go to show you that even making some small changes in your diet and lifestyle can really help. 

1 comment:

  1. Pleased to hear it! Well done.
    I'm also a terrible headline writer - you will have noticed! lol
