Saturday, September 7, 2013

Podcast re: Gateway Women

Count me among the many fans of Jody Day & Gateway Women... I have never quite been able to figure out how Google Plus works to take part in the online community :p  but I enjoy reading Jody's blog posts -- and I especially enjoy listening in whenever she's interviewed in an online podcast. She's an incredibly articulate spokesperson for our corner of the community. Perhaps it's because she's British and so many of them seem able to express themselves so well (love listening to the accents...)  ; ) or maybe she just happens to get some very sympathetic interviewers -- but I often sense she has really opened their eyes and made them consider things from an entirely different viewpoint -- and that is a true gift. Listen in to this podcast from a program called Radio Gorgeous (!) and you will see what I mean.  Jody's segment starts around the 22-minute mark.


  1. THANK YOU for sharing the podcast link. I've been to Jody's blog every now and then but the podcast is just BRILLIANT! She covers so many things eloquently in just a short time.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this Lori. And I'm glad you enjoyed it! If you wanted some one-to-one support on getting started in the GW G+ Community, one of our moderators would be happy to guide you! Hugs, Jody x

  3. it was fab..Jody is the Key to Gateway and Gateway is the liberation from childless isolation
