1998-99 was like that: I lost my baby, returned to work two months later, and two days later, my beloved grandfather died. My grandma died almost a year to the day later, and about a week after THAT, my uncle (my dad's sister's husband) died suddenly, a few days after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. My mom couldn't attend the funeral because she was in the hospital for a hysterectomy.
This is turning out to be another one of "those" years:
- A year ago on Friday, my mom's only sibling/my uncle passed away.
- Since mid-January, Mom has lost three cousins, another cousin's husband, and a close friend/longtime coworker.
- And then, on Friday morning, her church burned down.
- AND there was a murder in her quiet little Minnesota hometown.
- This morning was Bamberlamb's funeral in the UK. (I wrote about her passing -- on Valentine's Day -- here.) A mutual friend who was there representing the Childless Collective said it was "a marvellous sendoff" and very well attended, standing room only, with lots of people dressed in purple, Bamberlamb's favourite colour.
- Obviously I wasn't able to attend -- but I was wearing purple that day (as I know a few of you were too!) (See the photo below.)
- Miss you, dear Bamberlamb. 💜
- This afternoon (as I was writing this post!), I found out I'd lost ANOTHER friend. In fact, she died right around the time of Bamberlamb's funeral -- a fellow loss mom from our old support group. Her daughter posted the news on Facebook -- along with a pre-written final message from her mom.
- I've known this woman for 20+ years, since she & her husband started coming to our support group after the loss of their son. Several of us became fast friends: we attended support group meetings and events together (the annual picnic & memorial butterfly release, holiday candlelighting service, autumn Walk to Remember), threw subsequent baby showers for each other, scrapbooked together and, for several years in a row, had an annual pre-Christmas dinner out together.
- Her story is not mine to tell, but suffice to say -- as if losing a child wasn't crap enough to deal with -- she's faced one health challenge after another in recent years with incredible bravery and tenacity.
- I hope she rests in peace, because if anyone ever deserved a good rest, it's her. :(
- And, oh yeah, the U.S. elected a lunatic leader who has been trying to destroy/take over my country since taking office in mid-January. :( Fun times (not)....
Sending more hugs.