Monday, March 10, 2025

#MicroblogMondays: A shower (no umbrella)

A year ago on Valentine's Day, dh's cousin's son proposed to his girlfriend. It was carefully planned & staged at a Niagara-area winery, complete with a professional photographer capturing the moment and taking posed photos afterwards. 

The wedding will be in August this year.  I knew there would be a bridal shower, two or three months ahead of the big day itself, but I was still a little surprised when an invitation landed in my mailbox last week. (The shower isn't until late May, and the RSVP date isn't until late April, and it's only early/mid-March, but anyway...)  

Weddings are always sentimental occasions, but this one holds an extra layer of meaning for me.  The groom is 7 months older than Kate would have been;  I was newly pregnant and "out" about it at his mom's baby shower. I don't know how old the bride is, but I imagine she is more or less the same age as he is (and as Katie would have been). It's hard to comprehend that Katie would be 27 (!) this year -- likely done with her education by now, out & about in the working world, perhaps living on her own, perhaps also newly engaged or even married. She'd be older now than I was when I got married (I was 24).  

Generally, I enjoy weddings -- and I'm sure I'll wind up enjoying this one too, in the end (at least parts of it)  -- but needless to say, I'm (already) feeling an extra bit of angst when I think about it... 

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here

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