Right now...*
*(an occasional (mostly monthly) meme, alternating from time to time with "The Current"). (Explanation of how this started & my inspirations in my first "Right now" post, here. Also my first "The Current" post, here.)
February was (like January) grey, chilly -- and snowy. The first week of February hadn't even ended, and dh & I were admitting to each other that we'd already had enough of winter! Mother Nature, of course, always gets the last laugh. We had about 60 cm of snow -- about 2 feet! -- in the space of one week, mid-month -- more than we had all of last winter, and the most we've had in several years! It's taken forever to get everyone dug out -- and we've had more snow since then too!
It was also a pretty dark month, in terms of current North American & world events. :(
Pandemic diary/update: February was month #59 (marking almost FIVE full years, going on SIX!) since the covid pandemic began in March 2020. :( We (still!) remain covid-free (so far as we know... knocking wood, loudly...). We still mask in stores, malls and (most) other such indoor public spaces hereabouts, especially if/when there are lots of people around. (Well, I do -- I know dh does not, when I'm not around to hand him a mask...!)
- (I) Appeared on the Full Stop podcast (along with the lovely Sandra McNicol) to talk about pregnancy loss & childlessness! (The episode was actually recorded in late January, but I didn't want to post about it here until it was "live" -- which was on Feb. 2nd.)
- Went to the nearby mall to do some walking and shopping (then returned home for lunch) on Feb. 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th.
- Made a trip to the bookstore (mostly to shop for Valentine stuff for the great-niblings, as well as some cards), with a stop at the drugstore en route home (Feb. 6th).
- Picked up SIL & drove up to see Older Nephew & family for the afternoon, including the baby (Feb. 9th). (BIL was in NYC with friends to watch the Super Bowl!)
- Stopped at Canadian Tire for a few things (it's more than just tires!) en route home from the mall, and then at the drugstore to pick up dh's prescriptions (Feb. 11th).
- Went out for brunch on Valentine's Day (Feb. 14th -- first meal in a restaurant with just the two of us in quite a while! -- see "Eating," below), followed by a stop at the bank, a browse at the bookstore, and a stop at the supermarket (which -- Friday, Valentine's Day, long weekend, etc. -- was an absolute NUTHOUSE!).
- Stopped at the supermarket to pick up a few groceries and some takeout soup for lunch, en route home from the mall (Feb. 18th & 25th).
- Went to BIL's on Saturday, Feb. 22nd: Older Nephew & his wife were going out for an early dinner & asked his parents if they'd look after the kids -- and they called us to come over. Enjoyed spending time with both Little Great-Nephews! (I even got to hold LGN #2 for almost an hour!)
- Went to a nearby community centre to vote in the Ontario provincial election on Feb. 27th, and then to the supermarket to pick up some takeout soup for lunch.
- "The Mad Woman's Ball" by Victoria Mas -- the March book for my Childless Collective Nomo Book Club. (3-3.5 stars; my review.)
- "The Mermaid of Black Conch" by Monique Roffey, the April selection for my Childless Collective Nomo Book Club. (4 -4.5 stars; my review.)
- "Intermezzo" by Sally Rooney, the current book for the Culture Study (Europe) online book club. (The story of how I came to join yet ANOTHER book club is included in my review, here. 4 stars.)
- "The Wedding People" by Alison Espach. (4-4.5 stars; my review.)
- "The Siege of Krishnapur" by J. G. Farrell -- the first new Footnotes and Tangents slow readalong for 2025, which started Jan. 13th, for 9 weeks, ending in March. Currently 75% completed.
- "Peter West" by D.E. Stevenson -- the one DES book my group has NOT read together, in its 25+ years of existence! I read this in advance of our group read, which began Jan. 13th and runs through late March. Currently 70% completed. I'll count this one as a re-read when we're done. (2-2.5 stars; my review.)
- "Anne of Windy Poplars" by L.M. Montgomery (called "Anne of Windy Willows" in the U.K., with some text variations). My L.M. Montgomery Readathon Facebook group started reading & discussing this book together today (Jan. 6th). This will be our last book with our wonderful administrator of the past five (!) years, Andrea, who is moving on to other projects. I just (re)read this one right at this time last year, so I chose not to read it through (again) on my own first (as I normally would), but I will count this one as a re-read when we're done. (My previous review here.) Currently 39% completed.
- "Living the Life Unexpected" by Jody Day. I'm once again taking part in a chapter-by-chapter group read of this CNBC classic! The most recent Zoom meeting covered Chapter 7. This is the 5th (!) time I've read this book, or the earlier version of it ("Rocking the Life Unexpected"). (Most recent review, with links to earlier reviews, here.)
- "L.M. Montgomery and Gender," an essay collection edited by E. Holly Pike & Laura Robinson. Slowly working my way through, in between the other books...!
- For my Childless Collective Nomo Book Club: Books for May and onward to be determined.
- For my D.E. Stevenson group: This list of upcoming books should keep us busy through 2025 or even into early 2026! (A couple of the books are ones we covered shortly after I first joined the group back in 2014 -- you know you've been around for a while when....!)
- Miss Buncle Married (original 2015 review here). Starting in March/April.
- The Two Mrs. Abbotts (original 2015 review here).
- Crooked Adam
- The Four Graces (original 2015 review here).
- Footnotes and Tangents slow readalongs planned for 2025 include:
- "A Place of Greater Safety" by Hilary Mantel -- starts May 5th, for 20 weeks.
- "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe -- starts Sept. 29th, for 5 weeks.
- "The Blue Flower" by Penelope Fitzgerald -- starts Nov. 3rd, for 7 weeks.
(Simon is a big fan of the late great Hilary Mantel, and the other books he's selected were all ones that she loved, so he figured they would probably be worth reading!)
- Culture Study (Europe): next book TBA.
A few recently purchased titles (all in digital format, mostly discounted ($5-10 or less) or purchased with points):
- "The Right Kind of White" by Garrett Bucks
- "The Frozen River" by Ariel Lawhon
- "Brothers" by Alex Van Halen
- "A Nation Worth Ranting About" by Rick Mercer
- "Saturday Night" by Doug Hill & Jeff Weingrad
- "Who Could Ever Love You" by Mary L. Trump
- Way too much CNN and CBC News Network!! :p (Trying to pare back, for the sake of my mental health...!)
- A new season of "Finding Your Roots" on PBS.
- Figure skating: Bits of the European and Four Continents championships. (Worlds coming up in March!)
- A Ken Burns two-part documentary about Thomas Jefferson on PBS, first shown in 1997 but recently digitally restored.
- The "Saturday Night Live" 50th anniversary special on Feb. 16th (all 3.5 hours of it!!), which I wrote about here. (Also the SNL music documentary produced by Questlove, which was shown on TV in late January.)
- The Oscar-nominated movie "Conclave," starring Ralph Fiennes & Stanley Tucci, on Amazon Prime, while at BIL's on Feb. 22nd (waiting for the kids to arrive!). Excellent performances all round -- and the setting!!
- Heardle Decades: Stats as of Feb. 28th:
- Heardle 60s: 76.3% (650/852, 253 on first guess), down 0.4% from last month. Max. streak: 15.
- Heardle 70s: 77.8% (459/590, 258 on first guess), up 0.2% from last month. Max. streak: 18.
- Heardle 80s: 38.7% (170/463, 67 on first guess), down 0.9% from last month. Max. streak: 4.
- Heardle 90s: 29.7% (168/566, 34 on first guess), up 0.4% from last month. Max. streak: 5.
- NYT Connections:
- By Jan. 31st, I'd completed 187 games and won 80% of them, including 107 "perfect puzzles" with zero errors. I increased my maximum winning streak from 15 to 21 (and counting!). :)
- By Feb. 28th, I'd completed 215 games and won 81% of them, including 78 "perfect puzzles" with zero errors. I maintained my maximum winning streak of 15. :)
- Late in January, we achieved our goal of lowering our cholesterol levels after less-than-stellar bloodwork last fall earned us both serious chats with our doctor. (We'll be doing more bloodwork later in the year to check again.) Since then, we've continued our efforts to eat healthier -- reduce our portion sizes, cut back on fatty & processed foods (fewer casseroles, more chicken and beans/lentils), eat more fruits, vegetables and fibre, snack less (and make better snacking choices), and be at least a little more active.
- Since then, I've yo-yo'd a bit, but ended the month another 1.2 pounds lighter. I'm down more than 9 pounds since our chat with the doctor last October, and 21.6 pounds from my heaviest-ever weight a few years ago.
- We went out for brunch on Valentine's Day -- less crowded and a whole lot cheaper than going out for dinner! We don't eat out too often these days, so this was a treat! (We both had omelettes -- a western for him, ham & cheese for me -- and the waitress brought us a complimentary mini-pancake shaped like a heart, warm off the griddle, dusted with icing sugar and a couple of cinnamon hearts).
- Some notable recent takeout meals: a rotisserie chicken from the supermarket (with baked potatos & veggies, made at home) -- lots of leftovers for another dinner plus sandwiches!; soup and pizza slices from the supermarket takeout counter.
- More Canadian products (as are many of my fellow citizens), in light of the threats a certain U.S. politician (cough!) has been making against my country recently. :(
- Valentine and Easter goodies (already collecting those!) for the great-niblings, as well as birthday presents for Little Great-Niece. :)
- A couple of sweaters at AE, on sale.
- Some more masks from a supplier than Turia recommended to me during the pandemic, during a recent sale. (I particularly like these ones.)
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