Monday, June 10, 2019

#MicroblogMondays: Fear, relief and revelations

Friday night, I was checking Instagram, and our 17-weeks-pregnant niece-in-law (Older Nephew's wife) had posted a photo of a glum looking puppy curled up beside her, with the caption "Home from the hospital and this little weenie won't leave my side."

!!!WTF??!!  Dh immediately dialled BIL. Apparently she fell as she was walking up the cement steps at the side of BIL's house from their walkout basement apartment to street level, on her way to work that morning. :(  Landed on her side, not her stomach. Nephew drove her to emergency, where they spent several hours and finally got an ultrasound.

All is well (although it's going to take me a while to truly believe it, and to peel myself off the ceiling...!).

(Nephew was terrified. His dad told him to get used to it, this is parenthood...!)

On a lighter note -- not only did they confirm that baby was OK, they were able to learn its gender. They're not telling anyone yet, though -- they want to have a gender reveal party, possibly on the Canada Day long weekend. (Oh joy!!  :p ) 

(Although -- I wouldn't be surprised if Nephew spills the beans before then, lol -- NONE of the men in that family, including dh & BIL, can keep a secret!!  ;) -- neither could my late FIL.)

I've never been to a gender reveal party -- my own pregnancy was almost 10 years pre-Facebook & other social media, and well before the advent of such Instagram & Pinterest-inspired events. ;)  Have you been to one? Does one bring a gift? Details, please!

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


  1. Happy to hear your NIL and baby are okay. Sending good thoughts her way. I've never been to a gender reveal, but I have a few friends who have had them. I don't think there were gifts, but don't quote me. :-D

  2. Oh jeez, how scary! I'm so glad all is okay. I hope you get a sneak peek at the sex of the baby. I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of the gender reveal party -- I've seen them basically be extra showers, and there can be a lot of hoopla (balloons! cakes! dyed rare butterflies! JK). I do love watching the gender reveal videos that people do with their other children where one child is horribly disappointed in the sex of the baby... :) Those are usually hilarious. The other thing that's interesting is that it's called a gender reveal party but it's really a sex reveal (that sounds not so great for invitations though, ha!) -- I think of sex as the equipment you're born with and gender as your identity, probably more so because I've had several students now who are trans and so their sex doesn't match their gender.

    Oh man, I just made my comment a rain on the gender reveal party parade... Maybe bring a book or two? Babies can always use books! :)

  3. Gender reveal parties aren't a thing yet in Ireland or Germany so I've never been to one! I wouldn't think you are expected to bring a present but I could be wrong.

  4. gender reveals are cute. typically you dont need to bring a gift, just kinda show up but i don't know what your niece and nephew are expecting for the party.

  5. I have never bought a gift to a gender reveal party, or received a gift at a gender reveal party. A lot of times guests dress based on their prediction. So if you think is a girl, wear pink. If you think it is a boy, wear blue. I would check with the parents to see if they are doing this for their party :)

  6. I can imagine your reaction! Glad she is okay. But ugh, the gender reveal party sounds dire. I've never been to one, or even heard of someone who has had one here. I'm probably out of touch!

  7. Wow. I almost dropped to the floor as I was reading. I'm so glad things are OK.

    I haven't been to a gender reveal party. I've aged out of my own generation having them and I'm not yet to the next. It's only a matter of time. Then I'll look to you for what to do.
