Monday, January 15, 2024

#MicroblogMondays: Blue Monday

It's "Blue Monday," that day in January (the third Monday) deemed (by marketers, if not scientists, lol) the most depressing in the year. I've written about Blue Monday several times in the past -- in fact, I did a search for past posts and thought, "I've written about this enough, I should create a hashtag/label for it." Then I realized I already did! (lol -- check out my other Blue Monday posts there). 

I was reminded that it was Blue Monday when I spotted an article in The Toronto Star this weekend: "6 science-backed ways to brighten your Blue Monday" (No gift links available, sorry -- so I hope that works!) In summary (in case the link doesn't work for you), the advice is:  

  • Enlist the power of awe: The feeling of being part of something much larger than you are has tangible physical benefits. (Even just reading a good book can do the trick.) 
  • Get moving: The link between exercise and well-being is firmly established.
  • Do something fun with people you like:  Social connection is important. 
  • Use warm light to improve sleep. 
  • Take a dose of (very) dark chocolate:  Cocoa can boost your mood. 
  • Put down the pinot:  Cutting out booze can lift the spirits. (Dry January, anyone?)  
How are you feeling today?  

(It's pretty cold here -- albeit not quite as cold as it is in western Canada and the U.S. Midwest! It was -13C/-18C windchill this morning, which works out to 8F & 0F, respectively.  But the sun is shining, and I even see a bit of blue sky peeking through the clouds, which makes a HUGE difference for me!)  

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


  1. Yes to sunshine! It was freezing here, but sunny and bright. I don't mind winter chill if it's a) sunny or mostly b) snowy and pretty. It makes sense that this time would be dreary city. I feel like January is just draaaaagggggging. But, exercise and reading and chocolate? I can do that. (You can pry the pinot from my cold dead hands, ha.)

  2. Social connection is very important but not necessarily easy to come by. I'm just now making new friends in real life, years after moving and the pandemic. I hung out with a friend today! We went sledding and then ate dinner at her house. It was a pretty darn good Blue Monday. :)

  3. I'm late here, but I don't recall my Monday being blue. Maybe it's because Husband and I walked the dog, I finished The House in the Cerulean Sea, and that evening I made myself some dark hot chocolate. 4 out of 6!

    Glad you are seeing the sun.
