Monday, January 29, 2024

#MicroblogMondays: Odds & ends

(I don't particularly like combining an "odds & ends" post with #MicroblogMondays, but it's what I have today so... here it is!)  
  • I don't remember exactly where I found Ryan Rose Weaver on Substack, but I think it was in a response to another Substacker's post where she mentioned her pregnancy loss.  This interview she did with Jess Van Wyen, who has chosen to remain childless/free after loss -- not a miscarriage or stillbirth but a termination for medical reasons (TFMR -- in plain language, an abortion) -- and has since become an advocate for reproductive rights -- is truly inspiring and says so many of the things many of us as childless women are thinking, feeling and wishing we could tell other people about our lives.  **Content warning: Given the sensitive topic, this may or may not be a good fit for you as a reader. Also, pregnancy & baby loss photos are included.** 
  • Lyz Lenz at "Men Yell at Me" has a new book coming out soon about divorce, "This American Ex-Wife." (She also has a new podcast by the same name.) In a recent discussion thread,  she asked her subscribers (which includes me) to weigh in on "the moment when you knew it was time to quit."  
    • Said Lyz:  "I want to expand this beyond marriages. I want to know the moment when you knew it was time to quit — your job, your relationship, your friendships. Let’s talk about our moments of breaking." 
    • I posted about the moment when I knew it was time to quit infertility treatments and accept a permanently childless life (which I've written about on this blog). Another woman posted something similar not long after I did, too.  :)  
    • So far, my comment has received 37 (!) "likes" as well as a couple of replies.   
  • I'm a big fan of my fellow Manitoban Dr. Jen Gunter :)  and I am looking forward to picking up a copy of her latest book, "Blood" (about menstruation), which was released this past week. Here's a great review from The Guardian
  • Totally non-ALI-related, but I thought it was worthwhile passing along:  I'm a (non-paid) subscriber to Chris Cilizza's Substack, "So What?"  Chris writes primarily about U.S. politics, which is what he did when he was at CNN and (before that) the Washington Post. But he's also written a lot about the experience of losing his job at CNN -- including this piece here.  
    • Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt.  I can relate, and I know I would have appreciated his words back then. 
    • (In July, it will be TEN YEARS since I got my own marching papers!! Can you believe it?? Yikes!!)  
    • All of my job loss-related posts are tagged "job loss,"  here
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


    1. Ten years! Wow. We're old! lol But isn't retired life wonderful? Lots of reading here - getting my Monday blog done today was a real effort, so I'll have to read it all tomorrow!

    2. You introduced me to Dr Jen Gunter years ago and I saw her new book was coming out. Eager to know what you think!

      1. Isn't she fabulous?? It may be a while before I actually READ the book, but I am glad I have it!
