Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sisterhood Award

I was touched when reading the comments on my last post to learn that Cait's Mom had bestowed a Sisterhood Award on me.

I also loved the fabulous poem that she included in her post, by Rachel Barenblat. It's not part of the award, but I wanted to share here it with you too, because it really says it all about sisterhood and our adoption/loss/infertility blogging community, in particular.


One by one
every woman I know
approaches me
carrying words

it happened to me
my mother
my sister
my best friend

four times in a row
before the baby came
once, before
I even knew

three times
over six years
and then children
healthy and perfect

just keep breathing
in and out
around the stone
you’ve swallowed

I’ve been there
I am holding you
you won’t feel this way

*** *** ***

Here are the rules:

Put the logo on your blog or post.

Ten people seems like a lot at first glance... but then again, it's hard to pick & choose when so many people easily fit the bill! Those I've nominated may have already been nominated by someone else... but I do think they are deserving! :

  • Melissa at Stirrup Queens and Sperm Palace Jesters: The "Den Mother" of the ALI blogging community. Here's to "kumbayaness," lol.
  • Pamela Jeanne at Coming 2 Terms: Making magnificent lemonade out of the lemons that life has handed her, her blog is a haven for those of us making the difficult transition to life without children after infertility treatment & loss.
  • Irish Girl at Plan B: Family of Two, who is likewise carving out a new life and career for herself, and remaining positive in the face of disappointment.
  • Deathstar at A Woman My Age: Talk about attitude & gratitude -- a Buddhist wearing killer red stilettos!!
  • Emily at Apron Strings for Emily: Emily somehow manages to find the sunshine, the silver lining in every cloud. Most recently, I've been moved by her posts about her grandmother's passing, & her gratitude for her grandmother's life and example.
  • Tash at Awful But Functioning: The very title of Tash's blog brilliantly sums up the babyloss experience. And her posts are awesome too. : )
  • Janis at Ferdinand's Gifts: I love the way Janis manages to express her joy & gratitude for her new daughter Lyra and her ongoing grief over the loss of her son, Ferdinand, often in the same well put sentence.
  • Mrs. Spit of Mrs. Spit Spouts Off: Eloquence and compassion in abundance. And humour!
  • Ellen at Miss E's Musings: Sometimes reading infertility blogs turned mommy blogs can be painful. I still love reading Ellen's blog, not only because her twin daughters are truly adorable, but she has never forgotten what it took to bring them here, or those of us who are still on the hard road of treatment, or taking different paths now.
  • and last but far from least, Julia of Life After Infertility & Loss: Julia & I "met" on the Internet nearly 10 years ago, & realized we had both lost daughters, Katie & Carena, on the very same day (August 7th, 1998). Then we both discovered blogging around the same time! We used to joke about being long-lost cousins. I think the Sisterhood Award is perfect for her. : )

Take it away, girls! : )


  1. Thanks my dear, sweet friend. Early on when I was struggling to make sense of it all, you surfaced as a role model. For your kind, compassionate outlook I'm eternally grateful...

  2. You're so sweet!

    I still need to do the photograph one too.

    Ahh - well, guess I will be busy this week!

  3. Thank you so much, LB! I may be a while, but I'll get to it!

  4. I'm so glad the poem speaks to you; thank you for sharing it here!

    If you, or anyone who reads this, would like to read more: that poem is from a chapbook called "Through," which is available both for free and for purchase here at my blog.

  5. Wow! Thanks so much, Loribeth. It's a real honor, esp. coming from you. : )

  6. Aaaaawwwww, you are so kind, loribeth. I heart you. xo

  7. Oh my G-d--that poem just took my breath away.

    Thank you, from the bottom of my kumbaya-loving heart.

  8. Thanks, Loribeth! I'm completely honored :-)
