I stumbled onto this post in my Instagram feed this morning by The Dovecote, a UK-based organization that supports childless women (it's actually a repost from a bakery called The Kitsch Hen!). When I saw that today is apparently "Rainbow Baby Day," I winced a little. I love rainbows, and I am so happy for my friends who got their "rainbow baby" ...but of course, any talk of "rainbow babies" is always a reminder that I didn't get mine, that (as some childless friends have put it) I've been stuck standing outside in the pouring rain these past 22 years, metaphorically speaking. ;)
So I was happy to read on in the post (always read the whole post, people!) and get a thrill of recognition that my childless tribe had not been forgotten. :) That, in fact, someone recognizes that those storm clouds still might have a silver lining, that the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow might not be a baby after all. Thank you, The Dovecote & The Kitsch Hen! I don't often share stuff like this on my own social media feeds, but I shared this one on Facebook because I was so tickled.
(And because of this post & my desire to share it, I learned how to embed an Instagram post into my blog, so there's that too..!)
I so appreciated the inclusion in her post, too! Usually I have complicated feelings about rainbow babies. I love that, some of us have been standing in the pouring rain... ha! I guess if that rain feeds my gardens then that's good. Silver linings and pot of gold, for sure.