Thursday, September 5, 2024

Childless/free voters, unite!

Have you been rolling your eyes (or quietly seething) at some of the hateful "childless cat ladies" rhetoric that's emerged recently from the mouths of certain U.S. politicians and commentators?  

Have you ever listened to politicians (across borders and from all parts of the political spectrum) wax poetic about "hard-working families," and wondered where the voices advocating for non-parents were?  

Here's a chance to begin taking positive action. :)   

This morning, I got an email from documentary filmmaker Therese Schecter of Trixie Films.  I wound up on her mailing list after signing up for a screening of her wonderful film "My So-Called Selfish Life," a few years ago. 

Therese is part of a new group called The Alliance of Child-Free Voters -- a nonpartisan grassroots coalition of individuals and organizations that fight for the visibility, rights, and policy priorities of childfree and childless people. "We are part of a powerful and rapidly growing voter bloc, one with enormous resources and energy," the group notes.  And they are organizing a Zoom call this Monday, Sept. 9th at 8 PM (Eastern), featuring 11 speakers "who will share how we can begin to build solidarity and political power both in the 2024 election cycle and beyond." 

As Therese (who is Canadian) said in the email I received (boldfaced emphasis hers), "This event is non-partisan, does not support a specific candidate, and is not doing any fundraising. It's aimed at US voters, but pronatalism knows no borders. I hope you can join us for this Zoom Webinar and get inspired to take your own action, no matter where you live."

Further information on Therese's website, here.  Space is apparently limited to 500 people, so if you're interested, register now


  1. Indeed, pronatalism knows no borders. Unfortunately, I will be out of wifi range ;-) when the zoom is on. If you join, I can't wait to hear about it!

  2. P.S. If you register for the call, you'll receive a recording later, even if you weren't able to attend.
