Wednesday, September 18, 2024

World Childless Week, Day Three: The Importance of Pets

Day Three of World Childless Week 2024 is about "The Importance of Pets." From the website description: 

Why do so many of us find companionship and solace with our pets? Do you gather strength from their unconditional love or find comfort in being able to nurture and care for an animal? Do you see yourself as a fur-mum or hate the phrase? How do you feel when someone else tries to discredit the value of your pet or imply that somehow we don’t understand the difference between a child and an animal? 

What do your furry, feathered and scaly friends mean to you?  

I understand why so many people (with & without kids) have pets, and I am especially fond of dogs (so long as they're not too big!).  However, dh & I do not have and never have had pets during our nearly 40 years of married life -- although I briefly had a puppy and a turtle when I was a child, and we're constantly being told that we "need" to get a dog. (eyeroll)  I wrote posts in 2013 and 2017 explaining why we choose to remain petless. We do adore & dote on Older Nephew's miniature dachshund, now 8 years old. :)  You can find all my pet-related posts here

Check out today's content on the WCW site, including community members' contributions, and three free, live webinars related to this subject. They will be recorded and the links will be posted later on the Day Three page for anyone who cannot make the live event.

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