Tuesday, September 17, 2024

World Childless Week 2024: Day Two: Childless Person of Colour

Day Two of World Childless Week 2024 is about being a "Childless Person of Colour."  From the website description: 

Do you feel there are additional pressures on you as a childless person of colour? Have familial pressures, cultural norms or religious expectations added to the pressure of being childless? Have you met racial prejudice or discrimination alongside judgement? 

What do you encounter that is hidden from society that needs to be brought to the forefront and exposed?

This is obviously a topic that lies outside of my lived experience -- so I don't really have any relevant past content on this blog that I can point to. But do check out today's content on the WCW site, including community members' contributions, and three free, live webinars related to this subject. They will be recorded and the links will be posted later on the Day Two page for anyone who cannot make the live event. 

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