Monday, September 23, 2024

#MicroblogMondays: Small pleasures & annoying things

Small pleasures:  
  • Finishing a book this weekend!  :)  
  • Weather that's (still) mild enough to allow us to keep the balcony door open during the day. :)  
  • Still being able to wear my capris & sandals when we go out. :)  
  • Watching the leaves on the trees gradually turning colour. 
  • Getting some new photos texted to us of Little Great-Niece. :)  
Annoying things:  
  • Football.  :p  (Sorry, dh, but between college games, NFL & CFL, it's on ALL THE TIME right now, and I have absolutely NO INTEREST in it!) 
    • (Small pleasure/revenge:  Figure skating season starts soon!!  lol)  
  • The numbers on the scale that either refuse to budge or head in the wrong direction.... :p  
  • Having to figure out what's for dinner. Every. Single. Night.  :p  Once in a while, I have a decided preference, but a lot of the time, I haven't got a clue (and neither does dh...!). All I know is I'll be hungry...!  lol  
  • Not enough hours in the day sometimes... 
  • Not being able to come up with anything different to post for #MicroblogMondays. ;)  
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.  

1 comment:

  1. There's not enough hours in the day! I want to do so much AND relax, haha. Also, I can relate to the "what's for dinner" struggle. It's hard to know what to eat every single day.
